the rain is really coming down today. makes me not want to go outside. this alters the evening's plans slightly, but i suppose i'll come up with something different to do. i've got today off after a long weekend with lots of work, too much driving, and zero sleep. but it was still a great time, so no complaints.
i, of course, have to work the holiday tomorrow. it's a short day though and the pay is good, and i never really make a big deal out of most holidays, so what the hell. i might as well be working. my new assistant manager is awesome too! he's so funny and we have a total ball when we work together. he's a fellow troublemaker.
take care everybody. enjoy the week. i'm off to get some wonderful ink!
i, of course, have to work the holiday tomorrow. it's a short day though and the pay is good, and i never really make a big deal out of most holidays, so what the hell. i might as well be working. my new assistant manager is awesome too! he's so funny and we have a total ball when we work together. he's a fellow troublemaker.
take care everybody. enjoy the week. i'm off to get some wonderful ink!

I'm not so much looking for you to send me anything as I know how costly new ink can be, but rather should you ever be in the area...
Oh, I should also have you give me your sizes for your new work uniform. I have expectations of appearance in my office, and it's only fair that I provide you with an example to follow
[Edited on Jul 01, 2003]