i was recounting this tale to a friend of mine, or maybe it's more like a collection of tales, or rather, just random information. however...it made me laugh and cringe and dig through boxes of old photographs eager to find proof. which i did. pictures of my childhood chums in ridiculous costumes...anyhow on with the tale...
we were discussing the games we played as children and came upon the tried and tested game of 'House'. now i'm not entirely sure if that's what other kids called it, but it mostly involved dressing up like adults and immitating the daily lives of our parents, and/or popular television families. however, when myself, my childhood friends and my siblings played this game it wasn't exactly 'House', because instead of immitating our parent's suburban middle-class lifestyles we decided to dress in rags and pretend to be winos and crazy bag ladies. we called this game 'Poor People'. i believe it was my older sister's idea in the first place; she was about ten or eleven, i was probably nine, when this game began.
we would wander around the basement, or backyard, and pretend that our cabage-patch dolls were the babies that we didn't care about and couldn't feed. my sister was always an old hag that talked to herself. and my neighbor was the alcoholic mother that seemed often strung-out (although the term 'strung-out' was probably unknown then and not understood by us). we would even round up plastic bags and put pop bottles in them and drag them around with us.
"oh, those kids are growing up so fast..."
i'm curious now as to where these types of roles and images came from. it was probably television. that evil box. or maybe it was endless drives past hastings street when i was too young to understand what it was i was really looking at. i'm not really sure. and i don't really know what exactly the point of this story was or if there even is one beyond the strangeness of a child's world. hmm...
what did other people do as children? (it seems, as a child, you never consider what game the other kids are playing, you just assume it's all the same) do you remember the little world you lived in?
we were discussing the games we played as children and came upon the tried and tested game of 'House'. now i'm not entirely sure if that's what other kids called it, but it mostly involved dressing up like adults and immitating the daily lives of our parents, and/or popular television families. however, when myself, my childhood friends and my siblings played this game it wasn't exactly 'House', because instead of immitating our parent's suburban middle-class lifestyles we decided to dress in rags and pretend to be winos and crazy bag ladies. we called this game 'Poor People'. i believe it was my older sister's idea in the first place; she was about ten or eleven, i was probably nine, when this game began.
we would wander around the basement, or backyard, and pretend that our cabage-patch dolls were the babies that we didn't care about and couldn't feed. my sister was always an old hag that talked to herself. and my neighbor was the alcoholic mother that seemed often strung-out (although the term 'strung-out' was probably unknown then and not understood by us). we would even round up plastic bags and put pop bottles in them and drag them around with us.
"oh, those kids are growing up so fast..."
i'm curious now as to where these types of roles and images came from. it was probably television. that evil box. or maybe it was endless drives past hastings street when i was too young to understand what it was i was really looking at. i'm not really sure. and i don't really know what exactly the point of this story was or if there even is one beyond the strangeness of a child's world. hmm...
what did other people do as children? (it seems, as a child, you never consider what game the other kids are playing, you just assume it's all the same) do you remember the little world you lived in?

I pretty much did... and still do... the poor people game. except that I don't play it with other people. but i do talk to myself and rummage the trash bins while leaving my cabbage patch kids unattended on the makeshift porch on my trailer.
When I was young in Victoria - our house was a nightmare! (quite messy) We had blackberry bushes everywhere around the backyard - we used to put sheets of plywood on top of them and climb on top, the juice would stain everything.....We made tunnels through them - out to the corner mall with the Coke machine with glass bottles and Fruit flavored potato chips!