went to see the Flaming Lips last night, with Modest Mouse and a couple others. the opening bands were all decent, Liz Phair played. she was okay, but not really my thing i guess. Modest Mouse was great, and the Lips, well, that was definately the most entertaining thing i've seen in a long time. i especially liked the part at the end where the huge screen started playing the teletubbies, with the baby face rising in the sun. wow. that was touching.
anyhow, no sleep last night and i'm off to work. my ears are totally shot. it's gonna be a long day.
anyhow, no sleep last night and i'm off to work. my ears are totally shot. it's gonna be a long day.

Heh. I always liked going in to work or school on no sleep. Well, as long as I could crash right afterwards.
i was intending on going to that show, but i needed to get back for monday morning and the drive is just a bit too long