SGau shootfest and ball this weekend and I'm contemplating not going to the ball because of money issues. I've already cancelled a shoot and I have $500 of other shoots still to pay for. It's so frustrating because im trying to pay off my credit card from my past holiday and trying so hard to move out with my partner because I'm literally getting depressed being stuck at home. It's also frustrating that my first set has well over 2600 likes, the most likes for a hopeful set in the past 3 months and yet they still haven't bought it and im not pink :( im active on the site and I have a second set in the que and shooting a third with a staff photographer this weekend and it's just hard to not get upset because if I was pink I wouldn't have all these extra shoots and things to pay for and the money id get from them buying my set would go towards paying off my credit card. Being nakey on the Internet is hard enough and it's harder when I fee like im getting nothing from it. This might sound negative and yes im thankful for this community and my followers and all the beautiful gal pals I've met but I've fought with my mum today and my fish died and my dog was sick yesterday and im just feeling really run down and I want something good to come my fucking way. Im also at work with another shift midway between shootfest. No rest for me. Sigh. I can't be bothered proof reading either so yall will just have to deal lol
I forget that we get money if our set reaches sotd. I'm moreso wanting pink to have that name and not pay to shoot!
Yeah I couldn't care about the money! It'll be a bonus so I can get more tattoos haha I just wanna be an official suicide girl and be proud of it! I totally get you @stardusst