it seems that i always have something shitty to complain about. well i hate to break it to you all, but today is no different.
today started out with me waking in the apartment of a girl i truly adore. she is my height, medium length blond hair, loves all the same shit i do, and just all around great to be around. she just blows my mind on how awesome she is. i just wish she knew how i care about her. it seems i'm her shoulder to cry on and somebody to hang with when nobody else is around. plus a couple of guys that i thought were my friends are just using the psueo-friendship of ours to get to her. at first those two were cool to hang out with, but i found out what kind of people they are. one is a compulsive whiner who uses her sympathy to get closer to her. the other isn't as bad as the first but it still fucking pisses me off. right now i wish my guard unit would get called up so i could get away from the bullshit that this place is turning into. plus i would get to be around some people that won't circle-jerk me around. i thought i knew what was gonna happen here, but i'm still learning.
on a lighter note, i was thinking of changing my alias. the few that i thougt of are 'ride the lightning' 'eyeless' 'sic clown' ' the goddamned devil'. i know they have to refer to music but that only thing i could think of. if you have something better tell me. i all ears.
music - really loud metal mixture
mood - pissed off and hating the world
ps. i sick and fuckin' tired of jocks. fuck them all.
today started out with me waking in the apartment of a girl i truly adore. she is my height, medium length blond hair, loves all the same shit i do, and just all around great to be around. she just blows my mind on how awesome she is. i just wish she knew how i care about her. it seems i'm her shoulder to cry on and somebody to hang with when nobody else is around. plus a couple of guys that i thought were my friends are just using the psueo-friendship of ours to get to her. at first those two were cool to hang out with, but i found out what kind of people they are. one is a compulsive whiner who uses her sympathy to get closer to her. the other isn't as bad as the first but it still fucking pisses me off. right now i wish my guard unit would get called up so i could get away from the bullshit that this place is turning into. plus i would get to be around some people that won't circle-jerk me around. i thought i knew what was gonna happen here, but i'm still learning.
on a lighter note, i was thinking of changing my alias. the few that i thougt of are 'ride the lightning' 'eyeless' 'sic clown' ' the goddamned devil'. i know they have to refer to music but that only thing i could think of. if you have something better tell me. i all ears.
music - really loud metal mixture
mood - pissed off and hating the world

ps. i sick and fuckin' tired of jocks. fuck them all.
-the second wrong makes you feel right. its from From Autumn to Ashes.