well let's see here, it's been over a damn week since i last wrote in this thing. well work was good, except for it being too damn hot. got myself plastered almost all week. but i do have to say that the highlight of the week (or for the year for that matter) was seeing Lennon perform last night. my dear god was it a fucking great show, 3 hours of heavy metal. she put so much energy out that I could have gone into the next without any sleep. I fell in love with as soon as she walked on stage. I was doing this
the entire. i believe i would marry her if i could. I also just read she might do a suicide girls shoot. that put me over the edge. i nearly fell out of my chair. buy her album it's well worth it. see everybody in a week.


I have a thing for trent, love NIN,
and you....hehe well i am glad you had a rocking good ass time!!!!!!!!!!wish i were there, much love 

Lennon eh? that name is odly familiar with good memories of a really cute rock star girl ... but I can't place the face or the songs. I have a little crush on Avril Lavigne though.
I would love to hang out with her all day just to make sure that she is still a cool person in real life.