It has been great to get to know DarrylDarko and Silvi, they're such nice people! It's really good to know people from the other side of Atlantic and talk about our culture, differences and similarities.
I already had the pleasure of shooting 2 sets with DarylDarko, one at Silvi's amazing house (thank you so much Silvi). Here I tried my fashion sense and dyed my hair purple, which I LOVED! And you can see it online on June 28th! Can't wait!

I shot my 2nd set 2 days ago. I had so much fun shooting this one, we laugh...a lot! In this one I got to do what I do, Graphic Design.
I had my debut here as a photographer days ago. I got to shoot the amazing Caia and I have to thank her a lot for trusting me shooting her naked. It's so easy to shoot this girl, she knows all the poses and her body is just perfect. I wish I had her body
We shoot this set at my window and the guys on the street went crazy!
So please,go and love Bairro Alto, Caia deserves it so much!
Caia already shot 2 sets with DarrylDarko. The first one will be online on July 7th.
Have you seen Illusion_!? She the most beautiful girl in the world and she's so cute, you just want to cuddle with her!
She already shot 2 sets with DarrylDarko and I can't wait see her first set online and to see her go pink, July 7th is the day, don't forget!
Isn't she beautiful!?
I got a chance to shoot her as well, but this time, not for SG! Maybe tomorrow we'll do something.
And the Portuguese Suicide Girls have a new addition, Plum, she hasn't a profile yet, but here's a preview of what is coming:
Pink beauty!
Discordia and Aeterna also shot with DarrylDarko and the photos are amazing.
And the best news are...tchan tchan tchaaannn...
I'm going to end this HUGE post with some random pics of my life
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