Hurricane Rita fucked things up pretty bad south of Lafayette. My Gandmother's and Uncle's homes are both completely demolished. Look in my pics section. My parent's house had about 5 ft of water, so we are in the process of gutting it right now.
yeah, North Carolina. i am freezing my ass off. it was in the 50's the other night. in October. i am totally unprepared for real winter.
haven't been on SG as much, being preoccupied with lots of real world stuff. but i ain't forgot ya.
i'd give you the richard hell shirt (provided it's not moldy by now- all my clothes were in the room with the leak in the roof) but it is a small. not sure it would fit you.
i'm going to a cornfield maze in baton rouge, then to some haunted house.
gotta do something halloweeny, ya know?