Salubrious Salutations Boils and Ghouls!
Ya,Ya...You are thinking "WTF?" Trust Me-I think we lost her...Seriously...I really do NOT know where my head is, and THAT, should NOT be a fucking problem, as proven by the picture...I just had it re-sown back on recently...So THAT is highly unlikely, right?
Well..Anyone familiar with the infamous Steps of Death, By Elizabeth Kubler-Ross? (Yes, The same ones that are in that Simpsons episode for those who take thier culture in that manner...what have you...) Well...I had the pleasure of signing away the home where myself, and the two left that have some DNA relation to me, used to call 'Home' (Although leaving at 15, 3 years after living in it...I really cannot say that in a way more of you may relate to) However, It was the 'Home' I ruined Christmasses every year, where I would get fed and do laundery while I still lived in the same area...The place where I painted my bedroom black with white line drawings inspired by "Yin Yang & The Flower pot Man" and other acidic pleasures of being such a young Goth in the 80's...
Ahhhhhhhhh....I still get carded tho...which is funny cause I NEVER got carded whilst I should have been being carded, so...I don't suppose I have much to bitch and grind about on that one...
The knee? Well...THAT? I CAN grind on. Actually? That word fits the feeling of when I move it...G-R-I-N-D...
Yup...Still healing...But I made it here to update and try to see if I still have any Fiends left in this place...I really have not had any 'urges' to come in, save for TAA, I found that I actually liked not hearing all about Apneas dilemna and all the utter crap...To those of you who know I almost gave over...I am thanking ALL of you for supporting my choice to just SAY "NO"! Dammit, Fuck-You very much!
(I will still be doin sets for TAA tho...I am schemeing again, THAT is what I am doing whilst mending my recent addition of implanted steel)
(Did I get that right?)
Anyhow...In addition to people I cared about who have left or died recently, and just the utter feel? I don't know...I can honestly say I am really only here for ONE reason...WHICH reminds me...

So Sorry...Had to.
(Yeah its a Group...and YES, It's for those addicted to the Horror that eventually end up succumbing to...The rest of you? Well...Have fun in Sunday school, Kiddliwinks! )
Do I even NEED to mention that the slight 'Bitch' tone has been an underlying note throughout? Well, Thats cause I know I am going to go and swear my ass of and roll my eyes until they are white over the new crap that has floated to the surface like pondscum and shit in here, as I am just tryin to go and see some of my fiends latest and greatest, and I just KNOW, cause it always happens, that I will see someone bitching about something (which will be 'nothing' at all) on my way to see what has happened to my buddy who passed on.
I sure hope its about hair colour or Mom not accepting experimenting with Bi-sexualaity.
I am one Jaded fuck.
Your Gorewhore...

miss ya sadie!
*jadeD*-i love that word