(HOLY FUCK!! I know I am on some simply mah-vellous painkillers, However, I really must know...am I seeing double?? Is that 4 girls on the front? (LOL! Oh..If only I could reveal...lol!)
Yes...I had my first knee surgery, and I am back...I wish I could say that I missed this place, But, Unfortunately, I can say I only miss the firnds...and THATs, One to grow on!
Well..First? I received some new curious objects...
I am not going to blabber on as I can only sit like this (WHICH, I should NOT be doing) updating, or, aka, using the computer in my office, as I could if I wanted to lay down on the Guest Bed, But...even tho I have remote KB & mouse...I dare say I do not think that even though I have an 18 " Plasma screen, I cant make out much from there, so...I am doin this in breaks...You will all have to excuse me for not going into any Horrific or Gory details about the surgery, except I have some more scars to look foward to, and I have more surgical steel inserted somewhere in my body...Nothin I havent been through before...It was a cakewalk...But then again, I have been in hospitals since I really WAS dropped down 3 flighys of cement stairs on my head, and went into a coma...(yup, I really WAS dropped on the head...Laugh it up, Fuckwads!)
So...I guess I should show you some of my latest acquisitions...
Yup...I am stating to collect , as DeceptiviewFilm are 'Collectable Figures', and I don't argue not cause I know better, but also cause he gave me 3 of them himself...If there was an option to rate people as friends in here? He would score, BIG TIME...I hope he can visit again , cause we all had some great memories.
Alright, before I start going there, I am gonna do my best impression of Peter Griffith in the new STEWIE:THE UNTOLD STORY, The Family Guy Movie (Oh yeah...I am addicted to DL'ing shit now...just to let you know...and I have seen almost every new release for Horror, i,e, that are in the theatres still, and lemme tell ya...DO NOT PAY TO SEE "CRY WOLF!" DO NOT PAY TO SEE "EMILY ROSE", Just save yer fuckin $$$, or go and buy THE RE_PENETRATOR, Yup...Horror Porn, and Kids, to tell you the truth? This Horror Harlot has to say, THAT is where Horror films should try and go where no one has gone before...(*ahemantennaapydiagirlsahem*)
I know where I am gonna invest my Dead Mother Money...
Actually...This operation on my leg that is only just the start, has made me even more fierce to get shit stirred up in this lifetime...I sit in here, and relunctantly watch my good fiends, beautiful fiends, GREAT fuckin fiends o mine leave...(Akas, Arrivaderchi Queena, I WILL have you again, and we shall have that Magick Moment..lol! )
You had to be there.
Anyhow...I am going to wrap this up with, of course, a shamless self promotion. I have been writing furiously down new things in store for THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY (Yeah, yeah...THEE best fuckin Hardcore Horror Hound group within AND outside these walls, btw, website name will be THE GORY HOLE, I am starting to get on that, as believe it or not, THIS is when I know from YEARS of doing screenings that the time to work is NOW, yup...Hallows Eve is comin up, and I am already booked for 3 gigs on Halloween as it is, AND, The Abominable Apothecary is going to be celebratin its very First Anniversary soon, so I am kicking my heels...well, the best as I can with a knee in post-op...So All you TAA members take notice, we are gettin even better, Yes, I know...you say.."But HOW can it get ANY better than it is??!!"
You shall see...I KNOW how much y'all like surprises, and these are going to make all the REAL Gorewhores VERY happy...so Those applying? Get the questions from me..(You know who you are...) so you can get in on all of it...(Trust me...we just wanna weed out those who think TAA is for those that consider "The Nightmare Before Christmas" a film that portends them to be 'Hardcore'...Its sad, I know...But we live by our words...
Yessiree Boils and Ghouls...I MUST be back as there are twice as many naked gals who get thier hours in the sun, and everywhere I look, I am told to either look or buy...Yup...must be SG...
(Take into consideration I have about 2-3 hours a day I can come onto the computer in shifts cause my leg, so don't get offended if it takes me longer than usual...which should be approx a month, as usual, to come and tell you all just how much I Loathe You!)
OOogaBOOoga...Fuck I am back...
R.I.P theloonieoutcastaka Chad
I just recieved a message via Yahoo, (see post in his journal from myself or mamabunny
as we both received a message pertaining to Chad, aka The Loonie Outcast, had succumbed to the long and painful Cancer he had been dealing with for quite awhile...We used to chat and bitch about pain...Its funny to see how some of the others who have left messages before his death...you wouldn't think he was complaining too loudly...at least ALOT less than some of the utter site I see alot of airheads in here go on and on, and fucking ON about NOTHING!
Chad was an avid writer and had confidence in it.
To those who knew him...
Just a thought.
I am sure there will be a more formal eulogy and words in the short future at the appropriate place...
Yes...I had my first knee surgery, and I am back...I wish I could say that I missed this place, But, Unfortunately, I can say I only miss the firnds...and THATs, One to grow on!
Well..First? I received some new curious objects...
I am not going to blabber on as I can only sit like this (WHICH, I should NOT be doing) updating, or, aka, using the computer in my office, as I could if I wanted to lay down on the Guest Bed, But...even tho I have remote KB & mouse...I dare say I do not think that even though I have an 18 " Plasma screen, I cant make out much from there, so...I am doin this in breaks...You will all have to excuse me for not going into any Horrific or Gory details about the surgery, except I have some more scars to look foward to, and I have more surgical steel inserted somewhere in my body...Nothin I havent been through before...It was a cakewalk...But then again, I have been in hospitals since I really WAS dropped down 3 flighys of cement stairs on my head, and went into a coma...(yup, I really WAS dropped on the head...Laugh it up, Fuckwads!)
So...I guess I should show you some of my latest acquisitions...

Yup...I am stating to collect , as DeceptiviewFilm are 'Collectable Figures', and I don't argue not cause I know better, but also cause he gave me 3 of them himself...If there was an option to rate people as friends in here? He would score, BIG TIME...I hope he can visit again , cause we all had some great memories.
Alright, before I start going there, I am gonna do my best impression of Peter Griffith in the new STEWIE:THE UNTOLD STORY, The Family Guy Movie (Oh yeah...I am addicted to DL'ing shit now...just to let you know...and I have seen almost every new release for Horror, i,e, that are in the theatres still, and lemme tell ya...DO NOT PAY TO SEE "CRY WOLF!" DO NOT PAY TO SEE "EMILY ROSE", Just save yer fuckin $$$, or go and buy THE RE_PENETRATOR, Yup...Horror Porn, and Kids, to tell you the truth? This Horror Harlot has to say, THAT is where Horror films should try and go where no one has gone before...(*ahemantennaapydiagirlsahem*)
I know where I am gonna invest my Dead Mother Money...
Actually...This operation on my leg that is only just the start, has made me even more fierce to get shit stirred up in this lifetime...I sit in here, and relunctantly watch my good fiends, beautiful fiends, GREAT fuckin fiends o mine leave...(Akas, Arrivaderchi Queena, I WILL have you again, and we shall have that Magick Moment..lol! )
You had to be there.
Anyhow...I am going to wrap this up with, of course, a shamless self promotion. I have been writing furiously down new things in store for THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY (Yeah, yeah...THEE best fuckin Hardcore Horror Hound group within AND outside these walls, btw, website name will be THE GORY HOLE, I am starting to get on that, as believe it or not, THIS is when I know from YEARS of doing screenings that the time to work is NOW, yup...Hallows Eve is comin up, and I am already booked for 3 gigs on Halloween as it is, AND, The Abominable Apothecary is going to be celebratin its very First Anniversary soon, so I am kicking my heels...well, the best as I can with a knee in post-op...So All you TAA members take notice, we are gettin even better, Yes, I know...you say.."But HOW can it get ANY better than it is??!!"
You shall see...I KNOW how much y'all like surprises, and these are going to make all the REAL Gorewhores VERY happy...so Those applying? Get the questions from me..(You know who you are...) so you can get in on all of it...(Trust me...we just wanna weed out those who think TAA is for those that consider "The Nightmare Before Christmas" a film that portends them to be 'Hardcore'...Its sad, I know...But we live by our words...

Yessiree Boils and Ghouls...I MUST be back as there are twice as many naked gals who get thier hours in the sun, and everywhere I look, I am told to either look or buy...Yup...must be SG...
(Take into consideration I have about 2-3 hours a day I can come onto the computer in shifts cause my leg, so don't get offended if it takes me longer than usual...which should be approx a month, as usual, to come and tell you all just how much I Loathe You!)
OOogaBOOoga...Fuck I am back...


I just recieved a message via Yahoo, (see post in his journal from myself or mamabunny
as we both received a message pertaining to Chad, aka The Loonie Outcast, had succumbed to the long and painful Cancer he had been dealing with for quite awhile...We used to chat and bitch about pain...Its funny to see how some of the others who have left messages before his death...you wouldn't think he was complaining too loudly...at least ALOT less than some of the utter site I see alot of airheads in here go on and on, and fucking ON about NOTHING!
Chad was an avid writer and had confidence in it.
To those who knew him...
Just a thought.
I am sure there will be a more formal eulogy and words in the short future at the appropriate place...
hey Sadie,
I hope this finds you well and good.
Verry sorry to hear about your friend theloonieoutcas, thats aweful.
When you get the new metal inserted into you, ask the head Doc if he can put some kind of concealed spring gut-shreading blade into it. Slipping him a twenty might get him to do it
K, I decided to check out the cut version of Last House on the Left -- im just too curious. Come on Netflix!
I swear if I had any kind of extra cash I would collect action figures. A friend of mine has all the Todd McFarlen Hellblazer figures, they rule the world of toys.
Take it light,
Send me the questions and I'll have at 'em!