Well Boils and Ghouls...
I gotta admit, right now...My mind is stuffed like a qarehouse, It has no room to spare...So, and I know I don't ever answer these, But I thought "Hell, If I am going to go and have this knee shit goin on, and I just had to sign the family home away (Thats what happens when people die...You realize that even people whom share your DNA really ARE assholes when it comes to $$$)
So...I got a little querry for all you to fret & frey to and fro to...I looked everywhere for THEE "How Sick are YOU?" quiz, yeah you know...The one we all took when we were drunk and didn't mind fessing up to you and your dogs relations?
Well, I guess high sdhool has changed...So...while I am laughing at other people , high on pain killers in the hospital, I am gonna allow you fuckers to give a go at THIS:
(Yes, This IS A first, I HATE quizzes, and I am actually just tryin to distract attention as I am not going to talk about anything REALLY exciting until whatever it may be happens...Your guess is as good as mine on THAT one...)
So, How Sick are you?
1.Enter a question here.Have you ever licked an eyeball, human or other??
a. I'd consider it
b. No, are you sick
c.a dogs eye tastes different then a human eye
2.How far up your nose can you get your finger?
a. Never tried
b.Only as far as my booger
c. I think i touched my brain
3.Have you ever let someone spit in your mouth, other than kissing
4.Do you own any midget porn?
a.Yes, but its only to laugh at
b.No, I own no porn
c.Midgets get me horny
5. Have you ever driven cross country just because
a.Yep, a few friends and a few blunts, lets roll
b.No, Im boring and have responsibilty
c..you got really bored?
6.Do you wipe your own ass?
c.Yeah but only if no one else is around to do it
7.How often do you get high?
a.On occasion
b.Never, its illegal!!
c.Is it 4:20 yet??
a.Sitting at home being boring
b.Gettin high
c.You can find me in da club
9. Animal Slobber....
a. fortified with natural vitamins
b.better on them then on me
c.All animals are foul
10.Whats been in your ass lately?
a.Just the usual shit
b.Nothing goes in my ass
c.Nothing major just a Tv and an aquarium
11. Your dog shits on the floor..
a.Clean it up immediatly
b.Dont have any pets
c. It will still be there after this bong hit
12.Your tongue
a.belongs in my mouth
b.belongs in someone else's mouth
c. fits perfectly up someones nose
13.Piercings and Tattoos
a. Are for freaks
c.I'd get one if my mommy and daddy wouldnt get mad
14.This test:
a..totally grossed me out
b.has been educational
c.made me wanna take a bong hit
d.was brought to you by the letter M and J
AND, I may add...Feel free to be the sick, creative fucks I know and loathe, Go ahead...Make up you're own answers...YAY for Imagination!!
Okay, so I admit...It ain't askin you if you have had sex with a corpse, But, it is quite enough to tell me just what kind of mental illness you want to have, and Hey, Thats good enough for me...
So remember kids, If you can't say something nice about someone, them just make sure they don't hear about it...
Your Gorewhore,
UPDATE: I shall be in the hospital this week for the first part of the Leg Surgery, I KNOW this is a REALLY lame thing to do...(Throw a fuckin quiz atcha, altho....I have gotten some pretty fuckin curious answers, Thanks Guys...
But I am not sure WHEN I will be back...But to anyone who cares? I will update when Ihave somethin to say. Loathe you to pieces, you fuckers!
I gotta admit, right now...My mind is stuffed like a qarehouse, It has no room to spare...So, and I know I don't ever answer these, But I thought "Hell, If I am going to go and have this knee shit goin on, and I just had to sign the family home away (Thats what happens when people die...You realize that even people whom share your DNA really ARE assholes when it comes to $$$)
So...I got a little querry for all you to fret & frey to and fro to...I looked everywhere for THEE "How Sick are YOU?" quiz, yeah you know...The one we all took when we were drunk and didn't mind fessing up to you and your dogs relations?
Well, I guess high sdhool has changed...So...while I am laughing at other people , high on pain killers in the hospital, I am gonna allow you fuckers to give a go at THIS:
(Yes, This IS A first, I HATE quizzes, and I am actually just tryin to distract attention as I am not going to talk about anything REALLY exciting until whatever it may be happens...Your guess is as good as mine on THAT one...)
So, How Sick are you?

a. I'd consider it
b. No, are you sick
c.a dogs eye tastes different then a human eye

a. Never tried
b.Only as far as my booger
c. I think i touched my brain


a.Yes, but its only to laugh at
b.No, I own no porn
c.Midgets get me horny

a.Yep, a few friends and a few blunts, lets roll
b.No, Im boring and have responsibilty
c..you got really bored?

c.Yeah but only if no one else is around to do it

a.On occasion
b.Never, its illegal!!
c.Is it 4:20 yet??

a.Sitting at home being boring
b.Gettin high
c.You can find me in da club

a. fortified with natural vitamins
b.better on them then on me
c.All animals are foul

a.Just the usual shit
b.Nothing goes in my ass
c.Nothing major just a Tv and an aquarium

a.Clean it up immediatly
b.Dont have any pets
c. It will still be there after this bong hit

a.belongs in my mouth
b.belongs in someone else's mouth
c. fits perfectly up someones nose

a. Are for freaks
c.I'd get one if my mommy and daddy wouldnt get mad

a..totally grossed me out
b.has been educational
c.made me wanna take a bong hit
d.was brought to you by the letter M and J
AND, I may add...Feel free to be the sick, creative fucks I know and loathe, Go ahead...Make up you're own answers...YAY for Imagination!!
Okay, so I admit...It ain't askin you if you have had sex with a corpse, But, it is quite enough to tell me just what kind of mental illness you want to have, and Hey, Thats good enough for me...
So remember kids, If you can't say something nice about someone, them just make sure they don't hear about it...
Your Gorewhore,

UPDATE: I shall be in the hospital this week for the first part of the Leg Surgery, I KNOW this is a REALLY lame thing to do...(Throw a fuckin quiz atcha, altho....I have gotten some pretty fuckin curious answers, Thanks Guys...

you doin' okay?
just checking up...haven't heard a peep from you in a bit.
cheers mate!!
2) I once tied doing the blockhead thing..didn't turn out all that well...bled everywhere
3) Not that I can remember
4) Why buy when you can download
5) Not yet, but I love road trips. It would involve a lot of Salvia, pot and music playing my every waking moment, especially lots of power drone and doom metal.
6) I sure do
7) On occasion, but there are ways to get high other than drugs.
8) Clubs are ok once in a while but my ideal date would be a romantic fancy dinner, followed by going back to my place and watching a movie and then tying her to the bed and fucking her with Darkthrone blaring while we're both copsepainted. Of course none of us could enjoy this because that wouldn't be true.
9) I'll go with b
10) You don't want to know
11) I'm not a pet person but if I had a dog I'd clean it up immediately because I'm freakishly clean.
12) a or b...or someones eye socket or someones delicious delicious brains....
13) I have more metal in my junk than most new cars
14) This test was rather amusing
[Edited on Sep 23, 2005 2:28PM]