THAT was fun, Another year has come to remind me that Life, IS Indeed, An oxymoron.
I cannot complain, I mean, I think I look just Swell as Hell for an 82 year old, afterall.
Shall I tell you about the very first houseguest to visit the abode of ours?
As I said, DeceptiviewFilm was the lucky first guy to break in our guest room/bed. I had been expecting so many others who, as I expect, generally say they are coming, but just never make it past thier front door.But not Dec, (That is how I refer to him in here) Nope...He travelled ALL the way from New Joisey, NY. to be here for Ritch and I to celebrate our B-Days, (I am the 6th, He is the 19th, so when we were together, we always celebrated on the 13th, The best number, and also most appropriate as it is thee exact middle number 'tween the two, and it also how many days older I am than him)
To begin with....I got 2 wonderful gifts from Dec...
2 figures from Todd MacFarlane's Twisted Fairy Tale Collection...First, There is my favorite...
...L'il Red Riding Hood, Which you can see, is not too palatable for young kids, VBut since I read this story from the Original Grimm version, This is actually what I always envisioned, (Save some of the Fetish gear)
The Next?...
...Gretel, as in Hansel & Gretel? I must apologize for the focus on these, I was not rushing, However, I just tried to get as much of the figure in, Her brother, Hansel, is also part of the collection, But as you can see, Gretel washing up with a Blood-soaked mop, Hansel's figure which I have my eye on, is a small , almost submissive and smaller crouched in a cage hanging from a large Candy Cane. (I am positive there are quite a few of you whom prolly collect these, as we all know Todd Macfarlane does quite well with his collectable figures and sets)
ANYWAYS...How droll of me! Speaking on about two plastic figures(that kick ass, nonetheless), when I REALLY want to tell you just how great it was to have Dec come and do the Vancouver 'Thang'
It's interesting...Dec is the first person whom greeted me when I walked into here close to just over a year ago...He became one of my nearest & dearest fiends in here right away...and for the longest time, sight unseen.
He is a shy, but very endearing soul...I recognized that in him, along with his cantor, reality, and generally honest and wisdom, he was prolly one of the best fellow wanderer on this rock, considering that we are so very different, It is a wonder I now think of him as a lifelong fiend.
Needless to say, his shyness prevented any photos to be snapped, and strangely enough, when it came to Goodbye time, whilst awaiting the Taxi...we tried in vain to snap one pic, but alas...His technologically advanced camera was being the difficult toys that they are, and I simply had not recharged the batteries for mine...So, I am afraid that nobody will ever see any proof that he actually was here, or even had a good time, let alone the reality that he really does exist!
Besides that? I can honestly say I could not have asked for a better guest to come and enjoy things in a way I had long forgotten.
Thanks Dec.
In Other News?
Not anything to write about, I am working on some special FX make-up to do One helluva Zombie set for TAA, considering I have not done a set since the COFFIN JOE one, I figured the new tattoo would probably compliment it, Then there is also The Bride of Frankenstein idea as well, as my new ink, along with my refreshed white streak , may also be something I could do...We shall see. I have many things to consider right now, as Fall is coming, and now? It is MY turn to start making plans to cross the Pacific, and bother all the fiends that will allow me to when I go to England, France, and Scotland (OOOoooOOOO That is gonna just be KILLER!) and I also have to make some decisions where and what I can do to elevate my status in this Horrorslinging life, as I am afraid that this mind has seen and done too much to let this ride straighten out and slow down.
Nope...This is a great fuckin rollar-coaster ride, and as far as I can recall..It has NEVER been level, Its always been The highest peaks, The fastest drops, and a helluva lot of loop-de-loops...JUST the way I like it.
I guess I should end this with just saying that I was fortunate enough to meet some interestin new folk here over the last week or so, and I am pretty damned surprised that this jaded mind has been proven wrong, once again, I just wish to say I look foward to all new ventures with some damned intreguing and curious fiends.
As for my Ol Faithfuls? As usual...I hope all is just plucky as fuck, and even though I am weary of seeing people upset with this place, my sentiments aren't too different, I just choose to concentrate on the community rather than the wallpaper.
It Helps...
I shall be popping in and out and about...So, as usual, The Shamless promotion....
THAT was fun, Another year has come to remind me that Life, IS Indeed, An oxymoron.
I cannot complain, I mean, I think I look just Swell as Hell for an 82 year old, afterall.
Shall I tell you about the very first houseguest to visit the abode of ours?
As I said, DeceptiviewFilm was the lucky first guy to break in our guest room/bed. I had been expecting so many others who, as I expect, generally say they are coming, but just never make it past thier front door.But not Dec, (That is how I refer to him in here) Nope...He travelled ALL the way from New Joisey, NY. to be here for Ritch and I to celebrate our B-Days, (I am the 6th, He is the 19th, so when we were together, we always celebrated on the 13th, The best number, and also most appropriate as it is thee exact middle number 'tween the two, and it also how many days older I am than him)
To begin with....I got 2 wonderful gifts from Dec...
2 figures from Todd MacFarlane's Twisted Fairy Tale Collection...First, There is my favorite...

...L'il Red Riding Hood, Which you can see, is not too palatable for young kids, VBut since I read this story from the Original Grimm version, This is actually what I always envisioned, (Save some of the Fetish gear)
The Next?...

...Gretel, as in Hansel & Gretel? I must apologize for the focus on these, I was not rushing, However, I just tried to get as much of the figure in, Her brother, Hansel, is also part of the collection, But as you can see, Gretel washing up with a Blood-soaked mop, Hansel's figure which I have my eye on, is a small , almost submissive and smaller crouched in a cage hanging from a large Candy Cane. (I am positive there are quite a few of you whom prolly collect these, as we all know Todd Macfarlane does quite well with his collectable figures and sets)
ANYWAYS...How droll of me! Speaking on about two plastic figures(that kick ass, nonetheless), when I REALLY want to tell you just how great it was to have Dec come and do the Vancouver 'Thang'
It's interesting...Dec is the first person whom greeted me when I walked into here close to just over a year ago...He became one of my nearest & dearest fiends in here right away...and for the longest time, sight unseen.
He is a shy, but very endearing soul...I recognized that in him, along with his cantor, reality, and generally honest and wisdom, he was prolly one of the best fellow wanderer on this rock, considering that we are so very different, It is a wonder I now think of him as a lifelong fiend.
Needless to say, his shyness prevented any photos to be snapped, and strangely enough, when it came to Goodbye time, whilst awaiting the Taxi...we tried in vain to snap one pic, but alas...His technologically advanced camera was being the difficult toys that they are, and I simply had not recharged the batteries for mine...So, I am afraid that nobody will ever see any proof that he actually was here, or even had a good time, let alone the reality that he really does exist!
Besides that? I can honestly say I could not have asked for a better guest to come and enjoy things in a way I had long forgotten.
Thanks Dec.
In Other News?
Not anything to write about, I am working on some special FX make-up to do One helluva Zombie set for TAA, considering I have not done a set since the COFFIN JOE one, I figured the new tattoo would probably compliment it, Then there is also The Bride of Frankenstein idea as well, as my new ink, along with my refreshed white streak , may also be something I could do...We shall see. I have many things to consider right now, as Fall is coming, and now? It is MY turn to start making plans to cross the Pacific, and bother all the fiends that will allow me to when I go to England, France, and Scotland (OOOoooOOOO That is gonna just be KILLER!) and I also have to make some decisions where and what I can do to elevate my status in this Horrorslinging life, as I am afraid that this mind has seen and done too much to let this ride straighten out and slow down.
Nope...This is a great fuckin rollar-coaster ride, and as far as I can recall..It has NEVER been level, Its always been The highest peaks, The fastest drops, and a helluva lot of loop-de-loops...JUST the way I like it.
I guess I should end this with just saying that I was fortunate enough to meet some interestin new folk here over the last week or so, and I am pretty damned surprised that this jaded mind has been proven wrong, once again, I just wish to say I look foward to all new ventures with some damned intreguing and curious fiends.
As for my Ol Faithfuls? As usual...I hope all is just plucky as fuck, and even though I am weary of seeing people upset with this place, my sentiments aren't too different, I just choose to concentrate on the community rather than the wallpaper.
It Helps...
I shall be popping in and out and about...So, as usual, The Shamless promotion....


I hope my little grey parcel gets to you soon
Love and slimy kisses
Michelle xx
P.S. I changed my alias