Gleamin Greetings Boils and Ghouls!
My, My, My...
I am so overwhelmed by how many wonderful Biffday greetings and squishy wishes...I am droppin by EVERYONE, Yes, even you delightful folks I do not know!!!(How Fuckin cool is that?!!?) whom extended a sentiment...Expect A most noticeable pic posted to Thank-You ALL...seriously, as most of you know, I have had a bit of a rough year, and to tell you the truth, I have so many of you Rat-Bastard Fiends, who just refuse to allow me to even notice the crap.
SOOOoooOOOOoooOOOOooooOOO....As Promised...
But First....I GOTTA show you my artist at ELECTROLADYLUX TATTOO on Commercial Drive...
THIS...Is Trish...One of 3 Loverly Ladies that form the shop, and let me tell you...She has got a great...'touch' with her art...I designed it, she worked on it to perfect details. I love the fact that I will now have the $$$ to get ALL the things I have been waiting to get done.
These gals are going to do it, cause MAN, they are good! here it is RIGHT after it was done:
Yessiree, I know...You are thinking..."Holy Shit!! Why the FUCK would someone DO that to thier neck!??! THAT is 'supposed' to be 'attractive'??"
Maybe if you saw it in the whole....
SEE? Isn't that better? I figured, Nothing ever stopped me from going full head-on and careening into extreme measures such as this, to emphasize my lifestyle...See what happens when your second Family have always been Circus Freaks and Ferocious Fiends.
I must say, I was VERY surprised at how little it hurts to get your entire neck tattooed, I was almost in a Trance, (Yes, the endorphine rush was just snazzy!)
So...One more thing I wish to show you all, It is something I always make sure I have in full bloom on my B-Day every year...I am into ethneogenic plants, This...Is a Datura, A Del Toro, to be exact...Now, If any of you do not know what this, and other lovely plants of this genre also include: Belladonna (strange one to grow), Henbane, etc...Basically ethneogenic plants were used by Witches in thier Apothecaries, as they would make that 'Special Salve' to apply to a Broomstick, and proceed to 'ride' it naked (How else would the salve be 'absorbed' if the witches genitals did not soak it up on those brooms they ride around a fire??)
Daturas are also special because not only are they decieving as hell, with the white, Lily-Like trumpet of a bloom (Also called The Devils Trumpet) as it only opens it's bloom at sundown, and that is only opens once, stays open to burst a lovely-smelling pollen mist into the air, and then closes shut when the sun comes up...Never to open again.
I named her 'Lemora' for obvious reasons; She is as innocent looking as an angel, However, deadly as hell.
(Of course this makes NO freakin sense unless you actually have seen the awesome Flick called LEMORA, which, I highly reccomend)
Well Kiddliwinks...That is about it, I scored some other gifts, But, as I said...I really must thank everyone again for makin me feel like Biffdays don't have to be as bad as we think (And it just gets better!!)
Please be patient with my rounds to give you all a proper visit to your Madpads...I shall do every single matter HOW freakin long it takes!
Oh yeah...Just thought I would mention that I am very anxious, as DeceptiviewFilm, or 'Dec', as I call him, has decided to visit us here in Vancouver, and allowing us to be his Hosts to Lotusland.
(Do not be surprised if he ends up disappearing...Most do here in Vancouver!)
And Last, but not least, I just wanted to say I am so very happy that those two crazy Scottish Boys, pAuly & Skeneo have been 'comvinced' to stay!
Looks like you shall NEVER escape this paradoxical, mixed-up place we call SG.
's to you all, and lumps of coal to the rest!!!
I almost forgot my Shamless Promotion!
(Shame on me!!!!)
There...The Abominable Apothecary

My, My, My...
I am so overwhelmed by how many wonderful Biffday greetings and squishy wishes...I am droppin by EVERYONE, Yes, even you delightful folks I do not know!!!(How Fuckin cool is that?!!?) whom extended a sentiment...Expect A most noticeable pic posted to Thank-You ALL...seriously, as most of you know, I have had a bit of a rough year, and to tell you the truth, I have so many of you Rat-Bastard Fiends, who just refuse to allow me to even notice the crap.
SOOOoooOOOOoooOOOOooooOOO....As Promised...

But First....I GOTTA show you my artist at ELECTROLADYLUX TATTOO on Commercial Drive...

THIS...Is Trish...One of 3 Loverly Ladies that form the shop, and let me tell you...She has got a great...'touch' with her art...I designed it, she worked on it to perfect details. I love the fact that I will now have the $$$ to get ALL the things I have been waiting to get done.
These gals are going to do it, cause MAN, they are good! here it is RIGHT after it was done:

Yessiree, I know...You are thinking..."Holy Shit!! Why the FUCK would someone DO that to thier neck!??! THAT is 'supposed' to be 'attractive'??"
Maybe if you saw it in the whole....

SEE? Isn't that better? I figured, Nothing ever stopped me from going full head-on and careening into extreme measures such as this, to emphasize my lifestyle...See what happens when your second Family have always been Circus Freaks and Ferocious Fiends.
I must say, I was VERY surprised at how little it hurts to get your entire neck tattooed, I was almost in a Trance, (Yes, the endorphine rush was just snazzy!)
So...One more thing I wish to show you all, It is something I always make sure I have in full bloom on my B-Day every year...I am into ethneogenic plants, This...Is a Datura, A Del Toro, to be exact...Now, If any of you do not know what this, and other lovely plants of this genre also include: Belladonna (strange one to grow), Henbane, etc...Basically ethneogenic plants were used by Witches in thier Apothecaries, as they would make that 'Special Salve' to apply to a Broomstick, and proceed to 'ride' it naked (How else would the salve be 'absorbed' if the witches genitals did not soak it up on those brooms they ride around a fire??)
Daturas are also special because not only are they decieving as hell, with the white, Lily-Like trumpet of a bloom (Also called The Devils Trumpet) as it only opens it's bloom at sundown, and that is only opens once, stays open to burst a lovely-smelling pollen mist into the air, and then closes shut when the sun comes up...Never to open again.

I named her 'Lemora' for obvious reasons; She is as innocent looking as an angel, However, deadly as hell.
(Of course this makes NO freakin sense unless you actually have seen the awesome Flick called LEMORA, which, I highly reccomend)
Well Kiddliwinks...That is about it, I scored some other gifts, But, as I said...I really must thank everyone again for makin me feel like Biffdays don't have to be as bad as we think (And it just gets better!!)
Please be patient with my rounds to give you all a proper visit to your Madpads...I shall do every single matter HOW freakin long it takes!
Oh yeah...Just thought I would mention that I am very anxious, as DeceptiviewFilm, or 'Dec', as I call him, has decided to visit us here in Vancouver, and allowing us to be his Hosts to Lotusland.
(Do not be surprised if he ends up disappearing...Most do here in Vancouver!)
And Last, but not least, I just wanted to say I am so very happy that those two crazy Scottish Boys, pAuly & Skeneo have been 'comvinced' to stay!
Looks like you shall NEVER escape this paradoxical, mixed-up place we call SG.

I almost forgot my Shamless Promotion!
(Shame on me!!!!)

There...The Abominable Apothecary

and a happy birthday to you btw, i sorry im a bit late, but that me in a nutshell
i had to spend it alon eat home sober
moms like whyd you let me forget
cus i hate being old mother therefore i hate birthdays which are reminders of me being unemployed old and single duh!
thanks for the wishes hon
haha stripper eh
talk about them damned flesh molding tzimice!