Update Smupdate...
I have the Flu, and I have good ol Aunt Flo visitin, Plus? I wanna Kill Bruce Campbell...Thanks to his Lovely new book, (Which I am reading, and is actually a pretty decent read...) Cause ALL people want to see this summer it seems is THE DEAD TRILOGY...
Gah! I LOVE The Trilogy, But MAN! Being forced to screen it too much really ruins it...especially now that I am getting the ol "What the Hell is Ash doing back in that Cabin so Fucking Quick?? WHATS with that??"
So...A brilliant fuckin Thanks to all the additions to my ever-growing list of "EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KNOW...I LEARNED IN HORROR"
Which reminds me...In case some of you did not know, (or have obviously not known me for long) We got this group, and it is a pretty fuckin great group...It's all on the poster posted below...(Oh we are gonna plaster this place!) to recruit some REAL fuckin Horror fans...Not rejects from Horror 101, but I am talking ALL about The Shit.
Now you may be saying to yourself, "What about this 'shit'? What makes this group the 'shit' when it comes to those of us who can gladly admit that we are Gore addicts...and If it camne in IV form...I am SO there!!"
Well...For one? Most of our core members probably DO inject Horror into thier bloodstream somehow (Maybe The Sleepaway Camp Kit is alot more complete than I had thought!)
My point is...We got a great thing going...Our only problem?
Well...It is a Private group, I should mention, It isn't that we think we are better than anyone else...We simply had to put an end to people joining just so they can say that they belong to a Hardcore Horror Group...(I hear that 'Hardcore' word is still popular for some reason, I swear...If there was a group called Hardcore Hot Rolls, you can BET that just the fact that it's hardcore will attract those wanting to establish a much more rugged image for sure!) So...We went Private, and Now...When we get applications...Since people do not believe in actually introducing oneself to a group administrator that they wish to join...NO...That would be FAR too easy on me...So I am left with the sadly limited info to rely on in a prospectable person's Profile...and you wouldn't believe how many applications I get that warrant me to shake my head....The average -Tell-Tale-sign...Looking under thier favorite Music, Artists, and most importantly, Films...I almost always can rely on seeing nothing even remotely close to Horror save THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS or DAWN OF THE DEAD (and I dare say they even specify that it is the 'remake'...*sigh* )
How does one go about asking these applicants, who I should also add tend to go straight to us, instead of to the extremely more popular, and I would think, bold enough , Popular Horror Group, at least before trying to jump into the big fish pool, and DON'T GET ME WRONG...I ALWAYS take time in looking over peoples profiles, and I even send a few over to the Popular Horror group. See, I am a nice gal?
I don't think there is some type of dividing line...I mean it isn't in the directors names that you can say in less than a minute, But it's the attitude...The mind that functions on all concepts that could be attuned and widened by thier own lust and yearning for knowledge...Shit...We have quite a few members who we have NOOO problem allowing folks in who actually show the intewrest, That...Is a Horse of another colour...generally coming right out, and admitting what they are into, what they want to be into., and generally just need some direction. See? THIS is where the rub lies...I tried asking new applicants who I was not too informed by much in thier profile...but as soon as I didn't hear a reply to one...I knew that it was exactly what I thought...People don't want to have to prove or explain themselves in any way possible these days...I guess we are all supposed to be psychic?
Anyhow...My point is...I am watching too many people here that I actually care about (something not very easy to do with me) and they are simply leaving cause of good reasons. (I am gonna miss you guys...pAuly, skeneo,InYourDreams...The list goes on, I am prolly just not aware of who else is going to bolt this month)Alot of folks are here for the Gals, The friendships, and in my case? I just think the community is one that needs not be praised, as it speaks for itself. In my opinion...THAT is one of the only reasons I am here for...The prospective people whom I actually have a strange want to know. Which is a pretty big step for a loner such as myself.
I try not to complain, I Bitch.
I do not feel sorry for myself, I hate.
I don't pursue peoples attention, I warrant it.
So...SG being thee ONLY place I actually go into on this infernal Highway to belong to a community...I certainly have quite enough with one site...You will not see this gal at myspace, or any other chats...Nope...This place has eveything, (except Scottish Cannibals it seems), So I may not run around scoring SG army points so I can sleep better at night.
(See what happens when A Flu-induced delerium is mixed with a Journal Update?)
THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY is not all about How many members, or trying to beat out anyone when it comes to what and how much Horror is in thier Grey-Matter...It is all about finding those who work in the industry and want a place to showcase thier shit..whatever what medium or genre it may be...We are also about seeking out the craziest topics that you will ever see from folks who are quite happy with thier addiction.The quizzes, The prizes, The private chat, the FRIGHT CLUB, and generally...A place where you can feel amongst fiends in fear on film...or in books, or shit...even in music, poetry or illustration....Anything and Everything...As long as it is obvious that your heart is definately in the wrong place, and you mind is filled with things that the rest of us would probably just eat up!
(Oh yeah, and I also do some pretty good photographic Interpretation in the nekkid way of many of the best scenes in Horror flicks...I am currently working on a Naughty Nun or Ilsa She Wolf theme for upcoming sets, just to give you an idea)
So...If you are here, and are NOT already part of the Funk Family down at TAA...and you are sayin to yourself..."Wow...I really need to talk about how my mind works as a result of my addiction to all and everything Horror, and Hey...Meet some familiar fiends to fry with..." well...You just may want to check us out.

So...Having said that...I must apologize, But when one is as ill as I feel right now...I know the last thing that anybody needs to hear is what colour my puke is, and how much it sucks...Those who know me, know that just ins't my bag...I rarely want to hear anyone elses shitty troubles, So I do not impose mine.
Anyhow...All of My menagerie is doing well...My Living arrangements and relationship with my ex is working out fine...(Not much has changed...not much at ALL actually, prolly why I had to 'modify' things) All is as good as It gets for me I suppose.
Anyhow...If you have that 'unclean feeling' or are you just 'Not satisfied with your current Horror Forum' then why not think about the world of quality , not quantity...and put your money where your mouth used to be, and give us a shot...I mean, really...If you have A heart of Pure Potent Poison, and A Head Half-Rotted or eaten by Zombifiction, or even a little bit of a parasite worming it's way through your intensttinal tract, and you lovingly have named it after your favorite Slasher character...And , of course, the sign that always proves your gore prowness...That tell-tale sign that ALWAYS gives us away...(No...Not the plethora of Ink under your skin that makes your torso look like a page ripped right outta FANGORIA, But yeah...That is always another good sign as well) But The Almighty & Obvious walk of shame amongst the theatres in the last few months, and the vomiting that ensues when everywhere you look it is all remakes...
You DO indeed need help.
Our Fright Fixes are Fresh, and Our Pharmacists are the Best Mad Scientists that Human Body parts can bribe...
Come to The ONLY Pharmacy that offers 24/7 service to those in need of sickening salve to squeeze into those wimpering wounds...
We got it ALL!
So...Just Remember...We Have got Our eye on you...

So what the FUCK are ya waiting for???

(What Have you got to lose??? Well, except for THIS...)


feel better soon <3