Soiled Alutations All!
Well...I should start by saying Thanks to everyone who gave me a dirction or any info on websites...I am sure that if worse comes to worse...Theres always the sound of *CHA-CHING* that may help...or then I would even be satified with yahoo at this point...Damn this superhighway of self promotion! I am doin just fine, and ALL good things come...to those it is supposed to happen to...Knock on wood.
SO...I thought I would introduce you to the latest member of My Menagerie...a.k.a. My Creatures.
Actually...they are my very favorite kind of friend, animals...I have always surrounded myself with them...I am A sucker for em...ESPECIALLY reptiles (I think most of you have read about all my Herpetology/Reptile ecperiences with working in labs, fixing up and owning hurt or abandoned reptiles...I used to have at one time A boa, A ball Python, and 2 Iguanas. alomg with various gecko's and even the smallest salamanders...but they are Amphibians...But oh so close!) I had to stop saving and healing Reptiles when I went to school and couldnt do it anymore...I had to give em up...They always need the very best attention, well all of any type of unwanted or hurt animal does, but I couldnt do it anymore whilst working 3 jobs and going to school (Dropped out 3rd year due to medical conditions and sheer frustration with not learning what I wanted to, mind you...) However...I must say I kept all the necessary terraniums and so forth...I even missed having frozen dead things on hand in my freezer....A house just ain't a Home without dead things in the freezer, I say.
So...Without ant furthur ado....Lets see what I have crawling, creeping, squawking, and fluttering in my lair.
Of course...You prolly all know Verden and Ligeia...

These are my Divebombing Dove Budgies...Or thats what the Aviary specialist told me at my local favorite haunt...I think it is a slightly different breed of Budgedaria's...But they are my flying fiends, and they can be found jumping from branch to Branch on an 8 ft Trinket Tree that stretches its branches accross a rock Fountain pool below, where they spask and gallavant in.
Next is The Newest....His name is Luscius (Pronounced Loo-shess) Can you see him?...

Here...Maybe you do now....

Yup...Thats him...He is just a tiny (well..compared to my Iguanas...he is miniscule..)...but lovely nonetheless! Here's a close up of him...

He changes colour...and has already allowed me to hold him...which is a little tricky to do with such a quick and fast Lizard...But he has his tiny terranium set up right nest to my desk/Computer office area, right at my head level when I sit and work, so he skitters and fiddles around his plant and rocks, stalking crickets, whilst Verden and Ligeia fly and chatter like two kids on speed. It is a lovely environment to work in...However, this brings me to not only my last, and definately NOT least...

He is by far the only living creature fit enough to be called 'My Familiar'....He is a Black Siamese, All his kin when they sprouted fur as squirming furballs, were the typical Siamese, like the Mother, Siris , however, was Black...with a slim white 'Lip 'Stache' (a la Vincent) and his white chest, and believe it or not...White pubic hair under his front legs(armpits), and over his genital area..(Yup...right under his belly!).I shit you not. It is by no surprise that he grew into himself thinking he as human...He is truly a character. Unfortunately tho...He is not allowed access to the Office/Aviary...Its just smart...He has never ever done any harm to the birds I have had...but it is just smart, especially now that there is a very active, alluring little lizard now...He comes in and lies on the guest bed when I know I he is crying just to sit by me and sleep...But that is when I can watch him...and THAT...is not often. He actually attacks other Humans more than my other critters...He is a really good watchcat, and he actually killed a Black Widow 3 days ago and dropped it at my feet...It was a nice change than the regular mouse.
So, Thats it...My Fiends...Feline, Avian, and Reptilian.
A Rottweiler!
But that is just a plan....
Just like everything else.
Slay ya later....

(BTW: STILL no sign of A Scottish Cannibal....*sighs*)
And the rest of your menagerie ROCKS!!!!
I hope your doing good my gorewhore lots of loathe a slimy smootches to you
I'm off to Manchester