Greetings Boils & Ghouls!
I Hope this finds your flesh crawling, and eyes bleeding...You know...The Usual.
So...I posted a pic here...Thought you all might wanna see what My Mom looks like now(Yeah...That 'orb' above my earing on my right, Thats Her)...Or at least in this photo.
I know, I know....You are ALL saying "Fuck, she is REALLY not dealing with that too well...is she?" and then, I am prolly getting a bunch of you twirling your finger around your temple...That's Okay...I understand. However...I know some of you are not, and know I have been having alot of dealings with 'orbs' , all the pics I have posted, I have gotten mixed reviews...Some believe, some do not...I think all that really matters tho, is that I believe, and thats all I care about. You are not there when these pics are taken, and I have not even said a peep about things that alot of you would scoff at, and I am sure if you mean something to me, and you are genuinely interested...I might tell you.
But Yes...That is her.
Onto Reality that more of you can grasp...
I have come to a rather difficult decision as of late, Since My business seems to be catching on, again...which is good, and I must say, All those shitty re-makes have actually backfired in Hollywoods Face, and Helped me in ways they do not have a clue about! And THERE, Lies the rub...I have realized that all these years, even before computers were what they are today...I have always depended on a legal loophole that many of you have had me explain before, which allows me to screen Horror, do my 'schtick' and get paid for it, along with acclaiming a semi-known status amongst those who matter. Hence, I have decided to spin the wheel of Technological advances, and decided I NEED A website...It is the only logical step.
Now...I know that it really doesn't mean I will have to put myself in the line of prying eyes that could charge me...And I DO know how I am going to go about it, very carefully of course! I am just stuck at the whole "Where do I start??" thing...I have always made my handouts, pricing package, posters, anything...Has always been done 'Old Skool' I suppose you could say, and I use that term because in actuality...That IS the only way I have ever done it...with what I have in Talent and Materials..It has always worked, But...as we all know...We now live in the age where this infernal tool is used for EVERYTHING!
My HELL BANK NOTE Business cards have always worked, and I have always enjoyed the personal touch, and of course, the control of the security of how I get my name and stuff out...However, I now must join the rest of you, and Make A web Page...I am just getting sick of it being asked from me...and it is no longer proffessional NOT to have one...
So...Anyone wanna suggest where A Horror-Slinger, Gorewhore such as myself can start on this???
I have got Pictures, A supportive community, Other projects related to this on the go, Basically? Now is the time to realize that I gotta step up to the next level of doing this, It IS the only way...
So...As I said...I KNOW most of you, or at least many of ya have one...I do have a web designer friend who owes me her job, However...I live 9000 kilometeres away...and she is just not into 'stuff' anymore...2 kids and living on a farm in the middle of nowhere works for her now, she simply would not be able to capture it.
What I am looking for is a place to start....a company name, A place where I can get a decent Domain that will give me ALL the bang for my buck...I am not limiating myself to anything, As I know I shall probably expand it to bigger projects, and then, of course, take over the World.
However, for the time being...I have been terribly busy, and as most of you are already aware, I am just not a PC person...I STILL play pinball fer christs sake!
So All you software-savy folks out there...who just love to spout off technical trumpage...Throw a company name, or even a designer who needs a job who you know could handle my wishes...Here is a gal lookin for it, and has the $$$....
The advice would be mucho appreciated, and I promise to remember you when I am getting sued by Vampira or Elvira.
Oh yeah...Still looking for A Scottish Cannibal as well...Just in case any of you may know one of those as well...
(I know, I know...This is A fuckin LAME update...But I couldn't think of any people I would love to bother than all of you!
You know I was checking your Orb and honestly, I think I can see some kind of texture or pattern inside it. Now it might just be your hair coming through it but look again and you should see what I mean. I tried to enhance it in photoshop but the photo is too compressed to zoom in on it without it getting pixelly. If you've got the original photo still try it yourself in photoshop or something and see if you can see anything yourself. Webpage- hmm, well for mine I simply used Yahoo Page builder(as well as getting my own space) as I really am rubbish with anything more complicated but it still allows you to create pretty professional pages. I don't know any designers unfortunately but it looks like you've had some offers anyway.
I finished the new comp video too, the link is at TAA, it was a blast to do. I actually went and did after you ordered me to go and finish it haha. I wasn't going to argue with a pirate wench ship lady of the highest order.
Off topic- I meant to ask you, what are your feelings on Sea monsters? You may be amazed to hear that I DON'T believe in Nessie ( I used to but a million things have occurred to disprove her, I'll explain one time) but I do believe in ocean monsters for sure. Just wondering.
[Edited on Jun 30, 2005 4:43PM]
Yeh, my poor guys are flea magnets. Punkerella is taking them in for a de-bugging but i think they have to get the house bombed.
One thing about this coffee shop - its hot as hell! Of course were having a bit of a heat wave here in GA.
Hershal Gordon Lewis is the pick of the week in my house - time to watch the Gore Gore Girls again!
be well,