It was A 23 Synchronicity...
After wating 230 people die in a plane crash on TV...I had the gut feeling to retire to the Office/Aviary room...Ligeia and Verden flew up in A flurry of feathers, as always...when returning to thier posts...Verden simply fell in mid-flight...I went to pick up the struggling poor old boy...I had tried to keep him alive in happiness before He died...and he did...23 minutes after a plane crash killing 230 people on TV, as Lynard Skynards, who, we all know died in a plane crash, were sweetly singing "Freebird" on the radio...

Now are 250 of you gonna tell me how prophetic I am too? I am holding my dead bird.

I hate to quote Old friends...But I am simply Dried Up, Tied Up and Dead to The World at the moment...
Good news? This is Verden Fell the II...

He and Ligeia are chirping and acting like the young kids they are....She was never supposed to have babies, Hence Verden the I's age, major enhanced age. I think she is happy as hell , they have been cavorting about like the teens they are...'cept she is A tad older...Like by months...
Good News?

Actually, There is none...Oh...I am getting into some heavy shit...as far as Horror flick purchases...The estate items are being sold this week...I have to decide just what I want sent to me from A Home I never had, But was always there for me If I needed it.
At least I will finally get all the things, Like my inherited Library, with all the 18th century collections, One An original 13 volume E.A.Poe 13 Volume set from 1860 something...and ALL the others....Worth more in my heart than the $$$ worth, as with most antiques I claimed...
I also am signing papers with my sister to protect ourselves from My 'Mourning' Father...
LOL! Yeah...The perfect eptome of the Widower...
I have been being told I was my Father's Daughter, I guess you could say it was beaten into me...
MoneyMakes the world go round...Tra La La...
I am off...
To watch death hit someone else....
Very dark shadow hovering Indeed...I am tempted to crawl underneath A Pyramid with THEE Osiris and MY (O)Siris, and sail down the Nile with the Almighty Anubis, and watch my heart get weighed...

1. SO Sorry for the picture quality, and you cannot see his beautiful foliage, as Verden died, I snapped as many as I could right after he expired...I had to leave a time allowance for Ligeia to be allowed her mourning time with him...so THAT was priority before I wrapped and buried him under our Fig tree.
2. Seriously...I am gonna start a 23 thread...I am going to infect you ALL! MuHaHaHa!! Just kiddin, I am really doin you all good by warning you...and those of you who think I am nuts?

3. Tody is Damian's B-Day, where is your Satanic child today??
4. Heres a pic of the new Happy couple, Verden II and Ligeia (Yeah...see, she has her spots...they JUST cme out...he is geting his...They are quite beautiful!

Okay BYE! For Fucks Sake...Geez, I could have just sat here and whined!

)No...seriously...Ritchie is gone...I really am single .and the funny thing? 6th Day, of the 6th month, and it occured between 6-7....like he was gone...with the *ahem* escorts, at 6-6-6...Damn...I really shouldn't talk about Numerolgy...It just leads to a fuckin chain of events...(Sometimes good) But I think I am on a losing streak...Or am I?)
About your portrait...
Ehm... Just stole some of your pics and sent them out to be developped.. Should get them some time this week...
But I have to wait til August til I can start on your portrait...
Have an exposition coming up in August, and need to finish some other stuff...
I'm not gonna be very active on SG the next couple of months for the same reason...
The TAA chat... yes, gotto browse through the group forum to check out how to join exactly. Probably gonna take me a while
I get like this sometimes when the darkness dissipates for a sec. But anyhoo, just send another line through the wires when you need another. You got traction.