Awwww....Munch. If you know his art...You know that he, like many artists W-A-A-A-Y back before Hair dye...Loved the subject of Redheads. Have we always fascinated Artist and Writers? Yes...Do we know why?
But did you also know that Redheaded women were always the first to be deemed witches and burned? A red-headed child born to parents through a recessive gene were seen as children of the Devil...Vampires Lore speaks about the natural powers of A Redhead...It is no wonder that we are so very rare here in N.America...Our genes were burned away with the others who displayed any freakishly abnormal and ungodly genetic imprint...Or perhaps genes are not all at work here...Perhaps they were right?
I know I have had several searches done (Thank goodness they were curious before my mother died...as we were able to have a gene chart pulled up) and do you know...That we knew that there was not ONE redhead at least 3 generations on both sides...But through the miracles of modern science and mapping...we actually went and saw if we could spot where my highly unlikely mane came from...we were able to go 8 generations back...and it turns out the closest was A strawberry -blonde, A male named Theodophile, who fought for the South, and actually made it home, short A leg and blinded...but home, nonetheless...But how accurate are these searches...I mean really?
I was a terribly vile looking child...when I was diagnosed with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) and had an overbite of 45degrees out my mouth, I was bound into Braces of every sort from head to toe, and I survived busrides to Catholic school in the States, by sitting with The retards, and picking slimy Gob-balls outta my hair.
I got back to looking human by middle of Junior High...That is...I didn't look like I had an exoskeleton of metal...I certainly did not stay looking 'normal'...as I never knew what that was...I started wearing Black and doing nasty thing to my appearance when I realized I didn't have one to save. I always found it ironic that I was named after a song that branded me 'Sexy' ( Iblame whatever they did to Dad in Nam on THAT one...But I don't complain)
People began to dye thier hair with whatever they could find...If you could not find or afford to order DIRECTIONS (now, Manic Panic') You used Jell-O on Bleached hair...Or hoped that The local Drugstore wasn't out of Blue/Black...and THAT was it....I use to try and Dye my hair with Black streaks...But, to no avail...I could not...
See...We redheads are more than A Haircolour...It's an experience!! We have VERY small, yet insanely strong Hair Follicles...And Strong Reds like mine...Will NOT dye...(I only was able to convince A Hair place to put my MADHOUSE streak in, Agreeing that if it took them the power to bleach it, and it fell off...I would NOT sue....That means somethin...But, Nethertheless, it worked!)
We cannot go into The Sun...(which is pretty strange for me, considering, As A Leo, It is my Ruling Planet, as Fire is my element...) I have Parasols and Prescription sunscreen for that...I BURN! and then...If I am not searing in pain after 15 minutes in exposed direct sunlight, and running to jump into A soothing Milk bath, I pass out from exposure...We ARE a delicate sort.
Then, There is the whole "Whoa...Redheads are FIERY!!" thing...Yes, alot of us are...and if you ask us why? I think it's something that we just grin and smile and answer "Why don't you find out?" to.
Yes, We get mad that there is haircolour out there that makes us naturals look boring...Howevr, The carpet matches the Drapes...and THAT...Never lies, or ceases to surprise those of you who are Lucky enough to be able to smile and say that you have had the 'Real' thing...We are pale...and we are usually followed by an air of mystery if we choose to...and thats a very fun thing to play with sometimes, as the power of seduction, based on not having to say a thing is, indeed, ...'empowering' to say the least.
So, What I am saying is...I may see aplenty of you gals out there with a great Dye-Job...Shit...I wish I could dye my hair Fire-engine red sometimes, and with the help of temporary dye, have...MANY times...But when I look at this picture by Munch, of A red-headed Murderess, Like so many that have graced the pages of DeSade, and the galleries worldwide...I smile, remembering that there was a time that people saw us as such A threat they burned us based on it, and are considered by many cultures to be of 'Conaisseur Quality' sexually, and seen as Natural murderess's sent by The Demons to ply on men using thier gift and wiles...
And I smile...and remember that an old man once stopped a crying red-headed and bruised gal beaten to the ground by bullies, because I was not normal...and definately considered highly unattractive little thing with metal hinges and a mouth that made Bond's 'Jaws' look pretty.
"You don't let those spoiled shits bother you none...You are just what we call an Ugly Ducklin'...That's All...You have Polio or somethin? Ahhh...Those Doctors...Someday...You will not be bullied by them sumsofbitches...You'll see...and you know why? Cause you are a genUine redhead...Arent ya? (why?) You know...? If you weren't such a young'un..I would tell ya why...but I will tell ya this...You just aren't finished is all. So don't you think it will never change...It will...As sure as I sit her today on these dry old mans bones...You will."
He made me smile that day...and I never was beaten up again for looking like a freak...and you know why?
Cause I learned that Stainless Steel braces hurt alot more than fists...
I am A mysterious Redhead with somewhat of a clue why, and I am fuckin' proud!!!
Now if only I could burn people for being just plain stupid.
Oh yeah...Another couple pics from my past ...I don't have many...But enjoy...(The recent one is to remind 'someone' they have A job to do, and they know who they are...and Yes...I have the disks!
(Notice hoew I am pushing that 'Lil Ms. Baking set away to get back to my Biology kit?? LOL!)
(*phew*Yeah...say it REALLY fast like I did)
Don't forget about Doolins on Monday!
I did not know of such history of the flamed hair variety. Interesting.. I have a secret you may like to hear.