Isn't this an amazing picture? Ya know...it reminds me of ALL the things I have danced and dallied with...and everything I have learned...I once printed up a "EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE, I LEARNED FROM HORROR FLICKS" Tee...(I do that alot...Then...when people ask where to get them...I just tell em I shall get it for em...I like having secrets.)
I suppose I have many secrets, and secrets of others to match...I Like knowing things that others do not know...I especially love things that people Do NOT know about me...) The strange thing is...I tend to keep thereally impressive stuff that others would brag about under my hat, I actually am backwards in that respect...You will find me revealing anything about my years doin smack and dropping dead in the middle of parties, before I would tell you impressive people I have met and have the honor of calling fiends...
I am not quite sure why...Apparently, according to several different divinationary profilers...I should be a rather self-centered type, who needs to be the center of attantion...Yes, That could be true in some aspects...But I cannot figure out for the life of me, Why I choose to reveal the not-so-glorious aspects, as opposed to the stories I keep in that place that we all have for days when those memories can no longer be re-lived.
I suppose I am satisfied with my own stories...I mean...I visit peoples Madpads in here...or go and sit in the chat and listen to some gal who needs to tell everyone how she slept with some guy in some Flash-In-The-pan band...Or pictures!! MAN I hate pictures of people wirh Famous people!! DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKIN Un-cool that is?? I mean...I know that the last thing that, Lets say...Rockstars wanna do backstage...is have some screaming or inquiring 'soul' fans who absolutely NEED to have a pic...(I Just laugh wondering what the poor sods had to do to get back there!) and then? You get places like this that just SCREAMS for you to put that shit up...Or even worse...If these folks are genuinely been good to you as a guest in some way...or have shown you a very respectfully fucked-up time...and they take pics, and you take pics...and the next thing you know...That level of respect that was shared? *SNAP* Gone the minute you put it up to show off so everyone can go "OOoooOOOOooooOOOOoooooOO!!! You ARE Cool! Can WE Worship you?"
I cannot tell you why I have this idea running through my head to write it all down here...Maybe I have just seen it too much...OR, Perhaps I have seen REALLY good shit in peoples journals...where they use it to promote thier art...not just using the illumination of somebody elses glory to support thier strive to attain what they need to...I don't know. I mean I will admit...I have NO shame in pushing my exploits in here...Damn! That is what this Fucking place is about! But Fuck! Do ya gotta tote fuckin' proof? Are people THAT friggin insecure that they gotta use someone else to smile beside them to prove that Yes, You ARE cool.
There are alot of folks I know who say they need to get away from this place...so they leave...somethin about "...it getting too fuckin much" but then again...There are others that also want me to come and do something in myspace.com....
Is this what an 'Electronic' community is all about?
You see things you want, but know you will never touch.
You meet people who you like so much that you have to have a financial advisor to deal with phone bills and whatnot...
You have these gret ways to meet and chat with others on the 'outside'...yet...It ends at the screen.
The camera has always been seen as
most of the time i get invited backstage to an event is because first off i aint a screaming groupie, and secoundly it is because i am needed . (i'm a healer as you may guess.)
Btw i just finished the Black Ribboner Pledge Page.
i know you were curious about it so i will give you the link, it is a for fun group but the implications are real.
my page