So I have decided to try something a little different than you are used to hearing from this Horror Harlot...You see the pic...Yup...I am gonna talk about that Sickenly Bittersweet LOVE...
Now, I know that I do not usually come off as one who uses that term affectionately...It is just an emotion that I have always felt was left best unpondered or dissected...I was always one who thought Lemmy said it best when he stated, in his usual musical charm, that "...the chase is always better than the Kill..."
AAAAAAAAAAH! Now THOSE are Words to Live by...I have always relished the time before it all begins...Even before a word is spoken...It has begun in my mind...The LUST....The want, the urge, EVERY single little thing that makes your body awaken and you realize that, Yes indeed...You are in 'Lust '...A much more primal and powerful surge of want...of need...of ANYTHING that evokes that array of psychosomatic, physical, imperative need to play the strange Chess game for us Fools...
I guess I strayed of topic, as I was going to explain, (yes FINALLY!) what exactly is up with me and My other half, and what A bizarre bond we have, Like Evil twins, or possible seperationat birth, Partners in Crime and Time, Joined at Hip AND Mind...The Only problem is, even though we have been in this relationship over a decade, and I Love him dearly....I do not feel as though I am IN-Love...I really do not think I am capable of it...I mean, I Know that I would be just crippled without him...But is it because he and I are just too fuckin comfortable with eachother? It has been proven , in a variety of incrediblely curious ways, that Our relationship is Loyal, Albeit, Not entirely conventional...We have done things here and there that I am sure needs no comment, However...I have come to A conclusion that It is I who has the problem...I was robbed of the chase, and under other circumstanves, most folks would be very satified with what I have , do, and prolly will have, always...and THAT...is A soulmate.
But what of 'other' needs...I am a 30 year old lass, and for some time now, have found myself busy, bored, jaded and faded with it...and even worse...My eyes are wondering...He knows this of course...and well...I suppose, as I said, I am not much for romance that is impossible...But BOY, Does the thought of wanting something I cannot have ever intregue me...I mean Fuck! Doesn't everyone get hard over what we cannot have??
Well...I know I do...and THAT, is the premise of this Journal...I have the kind of relationship that most people want...To be with your Best and only true friend...But there lies the rub....I suppose the Grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side of the Boneyard...Yet I know I don't wanna be a permanent resident there.
We ALWAYS want something The more we cannot have...
No wonder 'LUST' is indeed considered A Deadly Sin...
It's A Sin that it is one of those things you cannot kill!!!
(I think It is time to get back to work on my 'playmate')
Heres proof that I was once a wee one...Don't be fooled tho...I was just as bad, I just hid it better...
Yup...Sittin on One of Dads 'Beater' Chargers
My VERY First Hallow's Eve
Yup...That.s Me bein Naughty...
...And again, bein Naghty twistin Mr.Hedgehogs Nose...(I was sadistic even at 3!)
That is all for this one...I'll progressively add what little I have of myself as a young un...(Also so you all will KNOW I am a REAL red-head!)
(BTW: No I am not speaking of any boil or ghoul in particular...I am just a curious kitty. BAH! I am only throwin out a Thought and Explaination to A question I get asked alot...I am merely providing A truthful answer, and I suppose I allowed myself to once again show a bit too much of this beating muscle again. Take it anyway you wish...
Have You Ever smelled an animal in Death Throes?? The cat named Genesis has claimed Ligeia...Poor thing lasted just over a day and a half...No blood...No wounds...The cat simply broke the poor young girls neck...I have never jumped to grab another animal so high and fast...He somehow slipped into the office...and snapped her up out of her Fountain/Rockpool...I must have jumped to grab him 3-4 times before we got him from under our bed...he had let her be...But the damage had been done...Ligeia took a brutal blow...and now...she is no more...I could take a picture of her now in my hands and post it...But, I havent even posted a pic of a recent and much more valued lost one...so no pics of departed ones just yet.
Why does my (O)siris not have any problems with Birds???Especially the ones he knows are mine?
I guess I am not the only one that finds the chase more enthralling than the kill...Must be the Leo in me...
(For ALL you Hardcore Horror Folks Out There!! or TAA members...Same Thing!!)
(Yup...That IS A Genuine Miskatonic U. Baseball Jersey!! Are you panting yet?? Dontcha just LOATHE me...(added the 13th, I might add)
I'd love an ink container full of blood with one of those beautiful long peacock feathers writing.. i have an addiction to stationary.. pens. pencils. paper.staples.. errgh staples are so gooood. As for Baileys bruises. HOT im not sure how she got them as i have just found them myself. I am a bruised grrl so i generally like it in others.
You can ring MSN?? You are a goddess of gorey niceness.x.
I like that last kiddywink photo of you with the Mr mole man.. he is eating your hand off and you look terrified *smiles