Alright...PICTURES, not up on my Madpad, But PICTURES, Nonetheless, as I have had the problem resolved now....but just check out my new pad first...(press on thumbnails to enlarge...D-UH!)
My New Pad Pics
Okay...HERES whats up...I REALLY was havin problems uploading pics to this stinkin place, and this place only..
I can upload to websharing sites...or anything else...But here? Nope...They are picky. Thank Badness tho...Cause For a bit I was worried bout not being able to fulfill my invitation to send an Audition set to TROMA, Ritchie, convinced that, even tho I am busy as HELL, I STILL have time for TROMA, apparently. He sent some pics in, and now they want a set...I retorted with...
"I don't think I could be A TRAUMETTE, Hon, as I do NOT have HUGE fake tits, I don't even have small fake tits..."
(I assume THAT would be Number One on Lloyd's Criteria...wouldn't you? LOL!)
ANYWAYS...I sent in a HELP ME SG GODS & GODESSES plea...and they simply careened me into getting a new Browser tool called MOZILLA FIREFOX, and they WERE indeed correct to do so, as I did have a teeny, albeit HIGHLY significant file communicatory problem with SG...and Yes, with the help of My friendly neighborhood Personal, Professional, Pot-smokin, Paid-By-The-Hour, PC-Peter Parker (Who ROCKS!) he found the problem, decided it would be easier to just use this friggin browser with SG, and everything else I can use my regular Windows XP, and I can, and have indeed uploaded pics successfully, SO...
I am tired...
I must review my new copy of HAUTE TENSION tonight, as I have to update My Flick List for all the new DVDs (YES! Finally replacin the VHS's and DVD-R's that are not good enough to screen...I have to...(I dont know why I bothered with UNDERGROUND tho...ONLY because The Punks Like it...I have been there, done that, we just didnt have really excellent fake corpses, and strangely confusing camera work...and I am BEAT! I am doing the Coffin Joe set for TAA this weekend as well, (since my Mothers death last month postponed it for OBVIOUS at least Now I KNOW I can get it up...THANK YOU whatever zillafoxthing...I need to rest, I apologize for NOT uploading all the ones that you had to click once to see (AAAAAAAAAAW, Ya POOR Bastards!! Complaints? Kiss My Lily-White-ASS!
I have some cool new pics of my 123 (yes...thats the real age...I shit you not) yr old Porcelain, one glass-eyed, Nun doll, I named her Magda a LONG time ago when it was given to me as a chid by my mother, but she took it back when I broke her special box and lost her other glass eye, now she is still in prestine condition, except she is missing an eye, and she is just creepy as fuck..I gave her to The Cryptkeeper to Have and to Hold...(I figure if she was meant for Jesus...He did look his best Crucified: all gaunt and Green, like the Cryptkeeper, and Hell, at least he dresses better than Jesus!!) so I think Magda and he, and his other concubine, Eidas, whom you will also see, will have fun together...YOU SHALL SEE WHEN I UPDATE THIS WEEKEND!
Oh! I SHALL be at The MEAT'N'GREET this weekend in TAA chat, as some of you have asked...and its at the same bat time, and same bat channel...(New members...want in? go to topic, and follow instructions!)
ALRIGHT! au revoir, Good day, auf weidesien. CIAO!!
(BTW: Whoever is Interested...there is a really good story behind the Kozik I have in there...{Yeah...The NIN Print} You wanna know it? ask me...and I shall in privy, as I said...I dare not name drop...Thats just unattractive and desperation for Social Status has never worked on me...So I aint printin it up here...)
MAGDA, My 123 Yr. Old, One-eyed,Porcelain, Nun Doll I Had to wait Till NOW to get back!
The Happy Threesome, Eidas(in Red, sitting) The Cryptkeeper (Standing), and MAGDA...
Don't they look Happy??
(These were TEST pics...excuse the lack of Post-prod.)
My New Pad Pics
Okay...HERES whats up...I REALLY was havin problems uploading pics to this stinkin place, and this place only..
I can upload to websharing sites...or anything else...But here? Nope...They are picky. Thank Badness tho...Cause For a bit I was worried bout not being able to fulfill my invitation to send an Audition set to TROMA, Ritchie, convinced that, even tho I am busy as HELL, I STILL have time for TROMA, apparently. He sent some pics in, and now they want a set...I retorted with...
"I don't think I could be A TRAUMETTE, Hon, as I do NOT have HUGE fake tits, I don't even have small fake tits..."
(I assume THAT would be Number One on Lloyd's Criteria...wouldn't you? LOL!)
ANYWAYS...I sent in a HELP ME SG GODS & GODESSES plea...and they simply careened me into getting a new Browser tool called MOZILLA FIREFOX, and they WERE indeed correct to do so, as I did have a teeny, albeit HIGHLY significant file communicatory problem with SG...and Yes, with the help of My friendly neighborhood Personal, Professional, Pot-smokin, Paid-By-The-Hour, PC-Peter Parker (Who ROCKS!) he found the problem, decided it would be easier to just use this friggin browser with SG, and everything else I can use my regular Windows XP, and I can, and have indeed uploaded pics successfully, SO...
I am tired...
I must review my new copy of HAUTE TENSION tonight, as I have to update My Flick List for all the new DVDs (YES! Finally replacin the VHS's and DVD-R's that are not good enough to screen...I have to...(I dont know why I bothered with UNDERGROUND tho...ONLY because The Punks Like it...I have been there, done that, we just didnt have really excellent fake corpses, and strangely confusing camera work...and I am BEAT! I am doing the Coffin Joe set for TAA this weekend as well, (since my Mothers death last month postponed it for OBVIOUS at least Now I KNOW I can get it up...THANK YOU whatever zillafoxthing...I need to rest, I apologize for NOT uploading all the ones that you had to click once to see (AAAAAAAAAAW, Ya POOR Bastards!! Complaints? Kiss My Lily-White-ASS!
I have some cool new pics of my 123 (yes...thats the real age...I shit you not) yr old Porcelain, one glass-eyed, Nun doll, I named her Magda a LONG time ago when it was given to me as a chid by my mother, but she took it back when I broke her special box and lost her other glass eye, now she is still in prestine condition, except she is missing an eye, and she is just creepy as fuck..I gave her to The Cryptkeeper to Have and to Hold...(I figure if she was meant for Jesus...He did look his best Crucified: all gaunt and Green, like the Cryptkeeper, and Hell, at least he dresses better than Jesus!!) so I think Magda and he, and his other concubine, Eidas, whom you will also see, will have fun together...YOU SHALL SEE WHEN I UPDATE THIS WEEKEND!
Oh! I SHALL be at The MEAT'N'GREET this weekend in TAA chat, as some of you have asked...and its at the same bat time, and same bat channel...(New members...want in? go to topic, and follow instructions!)
ALRIGHT! au revoir, Good day, auf weidesien. CIAO!!
(BTW: Whoever is Interested...there is a really good story behind the Kozik I have in there...{Yeah...The NIN Print} You wanna know it? ask me...and I shall in privy, as I said...I dare not name drop...Thats just unattractive and desperation for Social Status has never worked on me...So I aint printin it up here...)
MAGDA, My 123 Yr. Old, One-eyed,Porcelain, Nun Doll I Had to wait Till NOW to get back!
Don't they look Happy??
(These were TEST pics...excuse the lack of Post-prod.)
Is that from the new set?