"The enemy of my enemy is my friend..."
What a Fuckin statement, huh? Words to live by? Or...Just a way of justifying backstabbing, I wonder...
I was put to ponder this old addage because of a new animated show put out by Nelvana, about Homer's whole 'Jason and The Argonauts thing, called..(Get this..lol) "CLASS OF THE TITANS"...Yup, they are teenage versions of Hercules, Jason, even Narcissus (WTF?) and they fight all the same things presented to the Argonauts...thier 'relatives'...Yeah. *ahem*
However, the fuckin thing got me thinking...
"You know...Mathematically, it follows the Double Negative rule...ie: a- +a-= a+ (Right? 2 Negatives equal a positive??!!)theory: 2 enemies being 2 added negatives, equals a positive...ergo..."
(Yep, I have been smoking fine BC bud as always...)
Great philosophers, writers, or just plain mankind has been using this anectdote for a long time now...It doesnt survive unless..People DO use them as 'Words to Live by' (Right up there with Jean Paul Satre's "People are Hell" or Nietzche's infamous "Whatever doesnt kill me...")
So...Here it is, I couldnt stop, I started to think. When it comes to friends and/or enemies to me. perhaps I am in need of some type of 'ettiquette' training,A la Eliza Doolittle, as I am very well aware that I have never been 'a people person', I suppose that is why I made sure I would be able to keep me happy and a roof over my head by surviving as a self-employed travelling Horrorslinger. I mean, I remember being somewhat 'Too messed up, too angry, you know...To want to make any more friends than I have/had needed, I figured was a smart thing, I honestly thought that if I did not have enough friends to make enemies of, Well...Thats just fried gold, isn't it?
My 'Spirit' name is "She who drinks FireWater with warriors"
I could Never figure out, until the book 'BITCHCRAFT' taught me that I was a complete Male polarity (No...that doesnt mean I am fuckin truck driving Dyke!)And of course, being raised with guns, Drag racing, and a few curses deeming utterly unattractive..Meh, whaddya expect? Pink footsie fuzzy PJ Slumber party giggles on Holly Hobbie sleeping bags, along with Barbie clothes, just didnt fit on any of my guns, beakers, oreven my lab rats in my very small but proud little lab.(Trust me...Of course we tried!) Nope, the girls who spat in my hair every day were definately never going to be sharing a bowl of Jiffy pop with me anytime soon.
I was not a 'girl'.
Besides, Everything was JUST fine...Hangin with the dirty boys, I would show them the best places to catch reptiles and amphibians around the Florida swamps, and they would always bring Hot Wheels to trade with me when thier Dads came up our driveway with a new set of chrome pipes for one of the 'vettes, while my own would be cleaning up from the batch of Napalm that he made to get those pipes. (Vietnam vets were not as stupid as the government would of liked to believe they were)We would hang out in Forts, accross a span of Mad mags and a Mason jar full of coveted Jack Daniels, and the pile of stolen smokes. Yup...I may have been Braced and laced up, and ugly as hell..But I always got along with the boys.
Then? Thee paradox of my life changed everything. All of a sudden, my adopted wardrobe of everything black, My RH went into remission, which meant no more fuckin Leg and Arm braces.they got put away quite quickly, My Dental braces, including that wonderful headgear came off as well, leaving my teeth looking much better than the 45 degree angle my front teeth were coming out at 5 years before, I had survived 5 years of Orthadontic torture (Yeah, and they were the steel clunky kind, no glitter plastic 'trendy' ones then)
I was attractive.
More than that...I was still the same gal, just looking incredibly different in a good way.
Started Modelling at 16, a year after I left home...I was doing work in Montreal, New York, and other surrounding areas of Ottawa (Ontario has many small little towns)Of course, it was all fetish, 'alternative' and art performance type deals...whether live or on camera...and Yes, I started nude at 17, because I was the first one to have a nipple piercing and a navel piercing in the early nineties, Back then it was like being a genius with Photoshop, I guess. It was a valuable asset)I was at the clubs every night, and yeah...everytime..I was always hangin with the guys...save the girls that you just had to be nice to...you know...when you belong to a scene (do they still have these things?)A healthy diet of Pot, Booze, Coffee, occaissional acid, and of course, smokes. No fancy dinners at my flat, but you could always find a beer, a full bowl on a very nice bong, and a great area to just drink and read Mag magazines.
Unfortunately, going into adulthood (which at 17, I might add, finally decided to lose my virginity as I had no reason for keeping it), Females were people I had learned to model with, smile for the camera at parties and gigs with, and basically make sure that you have at least ONE female that will cover your back as much as you will cover yours...I learned to be wary of the same sex that used to throw spitballs and other sticky nasty things into my hair because they were all better looking and situated than me...Of course we all know that kids are just cruel...right? Because now...I was not only hangin with boys, But they were looking to do alot more.
THAT was my second lesson.
It all came down to that silly unwritten rule...
"If you are attractive, easy going, and can actually relate to men, and they like it...and these are the males that a gaggle of females either want, have, or are working on to have to themselves, then you are a whore. And a no good one at that! (except for your buddies, who just think of you as the only gal that can do doughnuts like no gal they knew...)Women like me...That is ALL we ever want!"
Yup...Witchhunt. How fucking 1500's!!
I really do not have a clue as to what they honestly thought that we were always doing at a table laughing with beer flying everywhere, But obviously drunk insults and the 'Who-gets-to-buy-the-next-round' game (a clever invention that a new set of rules were made for nightly)
But whatever it was...It must of looked wrong..As I started to realize that females I have never ever even seen before suddenly jumping at me at 4:30 in the am, in a 24 coffee shop, grasping a HUGE fucking knife, and coming at me, racing me out the door, screaming "You fucking stay away, you fuckin BITCH! Don't even talk to him!!"
I never did find out who that crazed gal was talking about.
I know what alot of you may be thinking at this point: "God, what a fucking Self-Centered, Piece of fucking tripe!"
Well then, I apologize then. But not because of what you think..(I dont fuckin care...its your opinion)but because you are missing what I am trying to get out.I am almost done...bear with me.
I learned very quickly that an attractive, sole female just cannot hang with a group of male friends...No matter what. Even if it is ALL about being platonic..Nope..I always get some gal who just hates me, always happens.
The world of doing shit like sleeping with a male buddy on a bed, just because there is no way to get home until the buses come, and fuck...you just both wanna grab a pillow and crash.
I have a business relationship with a male who speaks highly of me and my endeavors...
So...I gues you could say I am pretty fuckin sick of it, and I have no clue as to why this stupid cartoon made me think SOOOO much about that saying:
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend..."
Yeah...I don't think it is that easy for all of us.
Maybe I do need some enemies. Hey, you can't miss with odds like that, right?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa....FUCK IT, I think I could use some fresh blood.
So now...You have all been warned.

"Oi! I' m a good gal I yam!! 'Ere! Treat me like a pr'per lady"
-Eliza Doolittle
(photo compliments of apydiagirls

DISCLAIMER: No females were harmed in the ramblings of this madwoman. Secure yourselves that Sadie has not hit a female in many, many years, and now lives happily amongst her animals, one which is a female.
Somewhat on the topic of "the enemy of my enemy" axiom, I recently posted a journal about my confusion over the phrase "I wouldn't wish that upon my enemy". And I got a surprising reaction to it. The reaction was decidedly in favor of not wishing things against their enemy.

I would like to take this momment to offer my blood.That's a cool look you have goin' on in you'r new picture!