'Allo All!
My feet are now planted on the earth of BC soil once again, and my apologies for being caught up in so many things, I really had no opportunity to be able to put anything up.
It's funny, when you decide to leave your space, and take a chance flying accross the world to see the wonders you have only been dreaming about.
I will put up some pics, But first? My mind is racing with what to say about the whole thing.I guess I could say I got my money's worth, which I still have an utter contempt for, and must say that to me, it certainly allowed me to see many things I am so very glad I did...and even some things that have changed my life as it now is, and has given me exactly what I was hoping for, as well as some unexpected things that have also made an impact on me...Ahhhh, but that is not what I sit here smiling about now...
I went to simply visit and experience, but got alot more than I had anticipated, and to tell you the truth fiends, It is still leaking in, and asd I said, there are many things I still have to remind myself actually happened while I was there.
What can I say about Brighton? It is absolutely wonderful...I can tell you that in all honesty, OI had a wonderful few days there, and got to meet some great folk, especially after the very successful gig, in which apydiagirls, (AKA DissolvedPaul), He played to a very enthusiastic crowd, and even got them beggin for more, so what was next ewas to celebrate with cider at the most curious, and very nice abode of SG Nic and Traumatron, with some others, including Dylan, and her friends, who I enjoyed a very good time, around an English spliff, and which I must say I enjoyed as well as the conversation.
Very eye-opening to me, especially seeing as I am not a very sociable person, I found it hard not to be, Very down to earth and laid back folk...Thanks to them for the wonderful after-party, and I wish we would have met up so I could have returned the favour with a bit of what I had smuggled in.
Well, without any details, I will just say that I left for Glasgow, and it was into the world I had hoped I would see. Lovely Scotland.
It was a bit of a story in itself getting to Glasgow, I must say that I really did have an incredible time in Glasgow, and to protect the innocent, I will simply say, I now have new endeavors in my head, not saying I have let my plans of the business here be forgotten, if anything, I had alot of help in believing that despite the little problems that were haunting me before the trip, have now been flayed away because of some of the best words I needed to hear from the right people.
You learn alot when you place your hands into fate accross the world.
Well...I suppose I shall post some pics, and I should mention that I was lucky enough to have 2 others using my camera to take pictures that will represent a very important piece of my memory, as pictures can say so much, yet reveal so little.
I think I shall go Backwards, as that is somehow how I am remembering most of it...From the last days in Glasgow, to the very beginning, a lone pic of me adoring the landing at Gatwick (I will not bore you with those pics) But will only say that I am very greatful to the ones that were taken, and they are only a small portion of the gifts I was given to my memory.
...Is where I stayed in Glasgow, It is one of many posh (like, I felt THIS is what $$$ is about, it is ALL about memories, and having them , as they are what truly counts...So it was a 'Fuck it!! This is the hotel! That, and the fact that there was not any more places at the Holiday Inn! Cheers to that wonderful Scottish Cabbie who helped pick out what turned out to be absolutely perfect!)
It is a chain called 'Malmaison', which I translated right away, with my simply fucking excellent French...(yeee-ah...along with my great accent a la mot 'Bonjour') I surmised it meant 'Sick House' or 'House of Sickness' which, of course, only made me more curious, which I had to find out, and was happily told by the staff was exactly what it meant, and this particular one, was actually one of Glasgow's oldest Churches, which possibly was a sanctuary for Black Plague victims, and the such. (AllllRIGHT!!!! Thats fuckin History for ya!) Well, they actually named it after Napoleaons little 'Love Shack' he had for all of his deviant sexual naughtiness with many a lady, dfalliances with the sexually depraved...My kind of place indeed!
So...This is what the first room looked like, as I moved into another for the last night...(Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies, as to why...
This was the bed, HUGE friggin bed, with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon awaiting, and a Plasma screen TV with all the luxeries I had only read about, as far as lodging for the ludicrous.
Again, this is where I will zipper up and have to keep some things from here, as some things are just not fare to be spoken about. Rest assured I came back a very happy lass.
An interesting story about one night in Glasgow, prolly one of the best times I was looking for as far as a pub experience goes, I got exactly what I had been hoping for.
As I sat alone, in a pub, specifically chosen by me because of the class of folk, who extended from young punk rockers in love, to a wonderful foursome of locals who grabbed me and kept pourin cider down my throat (Ah yes, THEE Cider, I must say, I actually abandoned my good ol Jack Daniels for a good Cider!) We drank, laughed, and then the Kareoke, drunken Kareoke, to be precise, began, and the night went until the very end with the entire room swinging thier beers in Unison, along with the machine...Everyone there was alive and living, forgetting about the real world just for those hours that I know are so very important, as I know that a good drink is about as much a person can ask for, let alone meeting some amazing locals and having a wonderful time just absorbing everything...I also must add that the Scottish males at the table, even a good 10-15 yrs older than me, respected and treated me like a genuine lady, and I will say this, as I knew it was true...Scottsman ARE the shit!
Here is a few pics of a sunny day...(yeah, yeah...I know, I am a tourist, But C'Mon! How could I resist these?)
Yeh...I know...Pretty much what a tourist would take, right? Well...I have many pics, but I just do not have more that I wish I could post, There is really only so many...
Well...I suppose I should stop on about Glasgow, and move backwards to Brighton.
The first days in Brighton were just amazing...The people, the smells, the atmos of people and things that were (and still are to a certain degree) foreign for this lass, Although, I CAN say that I now know what a proper 'Chav' is....and you know what? I am SOOOOOO glad that I do, as I can reminisce about where I was at 15, and remember I wasnt pregnant, wearing tacky silver belts, and thinking everyone wants to see my butt-cleavage...lol...I must admit, that this was only one thing I learned about the folks in the UK, I also discovered that the Class system really sucks, and I felt at home with the working classes, having a pint and a smoke, watching the endless screens of football news, and unfortunately the news of the terrorist incident in London...(I was floored by that, as there had also been a bomb found at Heathrow, and a fire as well...so I must say I was very surprised at just how far the world is being affected by THEE situation at hand right now...)
I thought I was escaping that sort of thing, only to see that, indeed, we are all in this silly messed up world together, and Shit, when you see a show like Trisha, and the stupid things, very much like our own Jerry Springer, that Yes, people's misery is also taken advantage of everywhere.
Alright...I have gone on enough for now, as there is still so much more that is swirling around this grey matter of mine, But I do not deem it as neccessary, at the moment, to go any furthur right now, as I can only say, It is a great thing when you are used to improvising, and it still makes me feel young, when I realize that I have so very much to learn about everything, and that life is too precious to waste on the small stuff...I suppose that is why, no matter the memories and reality that I am home again, (That is until I will go back to Glasgow again, as I hope to, I just didnt get enough of it, I suppose you could say!)
Here are a few pics I chose, I do not have any comments for them, and I shall post the trip to the magnificent places in Brighton next update, Especially the Amusement Park, The Pubs, and The Aquarium, which was just incredible (and we got in for Free, so I cannot complain about that! Plus, the pictures ARE quite amazing, Just a good subject for my next update...)
I will leave you with these, and as I said, there are no captions...Just see them for what they are....
That is what I am doing.
More to come about Brighton and The wonderful Aquarium....
(PS! I also really wished that I would have had the time and everything else I would have had to work wonders to do, Like seeing the awesome SnowBallinHell who is in Swindon, and whom I wish I could of swept through this time round, If only things worked out the way you envisioned them...And I also am also sad that I didnt have the time to see more of Scotland, Including Aberdeen, where the most awesome pAuly and Skeneo reside...I really wish I had more time, but I am already planning another trip, hopefully after the summer, and well, we shall just have to see then...But I did want to mention that I had these fellow fiends on my list to see...I am sorry, but all I can say was Plans were basically void, next time...there is always next time...)
Oh yeah....and I am back, so THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY is going to have some interesting new stuff, now that we have our resident Mad scientist, Dr.Apy back...I hope you are all ready for some serious Horror and much more comin at ya!
My feet are now planted on the earth of BC soil once again, and my apologies for being caught up in so many things, I really had no opportunity to be able to put anything up.
It's funny, when you decide to leave your space, and take a chance flying accross the world to see the wonders you have only been dreaming about.
I will put up some pics, But first? My mind is racing with what to say about the whole thing.I guess I could say I got my money's worth, which I still have an utter contempt for, and must say that to me, it certainly allowed me to see many things I am so very glad I did...and even some things that have changed my life as it now is, and has given me exactly what I was hoping for, as well as some unexpected things that have also made an impact on me...Ahhhh, but that is not what I sit here smiling about now...
I went to simply visit and experience, but got alot more than I had anticipated, and to tell you the truth fiends, It is still leaking in, and asd I said, there are many things I still have to remind myself actually happened while I was there.
What can I say about Brighton? It is absolutely wonderful...I can tell you that in all honesty, OI had a wonderful few days there, and got to meet some great folk, especially after the very successful gig, in which apydiagirls, (AKA DissolvedPaul), He played to a very enthusiastic crowd, and even got them beggin for more, so what was next ewas to celebrate with cider at the most curious, and very nice abode of SG Nic and Traumatron, with some others, including Dylan, and her friends, who I enjoyed a very good time, around an English spliff, and which I must say I enjoyed as well as the conversation.
Very eye-opening to me, especially seeing as I am not a very sociable person, I found it hard not to be, Very down to earth and laid back folk...Thanks to them for the wonderful after-party, and I wish we would have met up so I could have returned the favour with a bit of what I had smuggled in.
Well, without any details, I will just say that I left for Glasgow, and it was into the world I had hoped I would see. Lovely Scotland.
It was a bit of a story in itself getting to Glasgow, I must say that I really did have an incredible time in Glasgow, and to protect the innocent, I will simply say, I now have new endeavors in my head, not saying I have let my plans of the business here be forgotten, if anything, I had alot of help in believing that despite the little problems that were haunting me before the trip, have now been flayed away because of some of the best words I needed to hear from the right people.
You learn alot when you place your hands into fate accross the world.
Well...I suppose I shall post some pics, and I should mention that I was lucky enough to have 2 others using my camera to take pictures that will represent a very important piece of my memory, as pictures can say so much, yet reveal so little.
I think I shall go Backwards, as that is somehow how I am remembering most of it...From the last days in Glasgow, to the very beginning, a lone pic of me adoring the landing at Gatwick (I will not bore you with those pics) But will only say that I am very greatful to the ones that were taken, and they are only a small portion of the gifts I was given to my memory.

...Is where I stayed in Glasgow, It is one of many posh (like, I felt THIS is what $$$ is about, it is ALL about memories, and having them , as they are what truly counts...So it was a 'Fuck it!! This is the hotel! That, and the fact that there was not any more places at the Holiday Inn! Cheers to that wonderful Scottish Cabbie who helped pick out what turned out to be absolutely perfect!)
It is a chain called 'Malmaison', which I translated right away, with my simply fucking excellent French...(yeee-ah...along with my great accent a la mot 'Bonjour') I surmised it meant 'Sick House' or 'House of Sickness' which, of course, only made me more curious, which I had to find out, and was happily told by the staff was exactly what it meant, and this particular one, was actually one of Glasgow's oldest Churches, which possibly was a sanctuary for Black Plague victims, and the such. (AllllRIGHT!!!! Thats fuckin History for ya!) Well, they actually named it after Napoleaons little 'Love Shack' he had for all of his deviant sexual naughtiness with many a lady, dfalliances with the sexually depraved...My kind of place indeed!
So...This is what the first room looked like, as I moved into another for the last night...(Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies, as to why...

This was the bed, HUGE friggin bed, with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon awaiting, and a Plasma screen TV with all the luxeries I had only read about, as far as lodging for the ludicrous.
Again, this is where I will zipper up and have to keep some things from here, as some things are just not fare to be spoken about. Rest assured I came back a very happy lass.
An interesting story about one night in Glasgow, prolly one of the best times I was looking for as far as a pub experience goes, I got exactly what I had been hoping for.
As I sat alone, in a pub, specifically chosen by me because of the class of folk, who extended from young punk rockers in love, to a wonderful foursome of locals who grabbed me and kept pourin cider down my throat (Ah yes, THEE Cider, I must say, I actually abandoned my good ol Jack Daniels for a good Cider!) We drank, laughed, and then the Kareoke, drunken Kareoke, to be precise, began, and the night went until the very end with the entire room swinging thier beers in Unison, along with the machine...Everyone there was alive and living, forgetting about the real world just for those hours that I know are so very important, as I know that a good drink is about as much a person can ask for, let alone meeting some amazing locals and having a wonderful time just absorbing everything...I also must add that the Scottish males at the table, even a good 10-15 yrs older than me, respected and treated me like a genuine lady, and I will say this, as I knew it was true...Scottsman ARE the shit!
Here is a few pics of a sunny day...(yeah, yeah...I know, I am a tourist, But C'Mon! How could I resist these?)

Yeh...I know...Pretty much what a tourist would take, right? Well...I have many pics, but I just do not have more that I wish I could post, There is really only so many...
Well...I suppose I should stop on about Glasgow, and move backwards to Brighton.
The first days in Brighton were just amazing...The people, the smells, the atmos of people and things that were (and still are to a certain degree) foreign for this lass, Although, I CAN say that I now know what a proper 'Chav' is....and you know what? I am SOOOOOO glad that I do, as I can reminisce about where I was at 15, and remember I wasnt pregnant, wearing tacky silver belts, and thinking everyone wants to see my butt-cleavage...lol...I must admit, that this was only one thing I learned about the folks in the UK, I also discovered that the Class system really sucks, and I felt at home with the working classes, having a pint and a smoke, watching the endless screens of football news, and unfortunately the news of the terrorist incident in London...(I was floored by that, as there had also been a bomb found at Heathrow, and a fire as well...so I must say I was very surprised at just how far the world is being affected by THEE situation at hand right now...)
I thought I was escaping that sort of thing, only to see that, indeed, we are all in this silly messed up world together, and Shit, when you see a show like Trisha, and the stupid things, very much like our own Jerry Springer, that Yes, people's misery is also taken advantage of everywhere.
Alright...I have gone on enough for now, as there is still so much more that is swirling around this grey matter of mine, But I do not deem it as neccessary, at the moment, to go any furthur right now, as I can only say, It is a great thing when you are used to improvising, and it still makes me feel young, when I realize that I have so very much to learn about everything, and that life is too precious to waste on the small stuff...I suppose that is why, no matter the memories and reality that I am home again, (That is until I will go back to Glasgow again, as I hope to, I just didnt get enough of it, I suppose you could say!)
Here are a few pics I chose, I do not have any comments for them, and I shall post the trip to the magnificent places in Brighton next update, Especially the Amusement Park, The Pubs, and The Aquarium, which was just incredible (and we got in for Free, so I cannot complain about that! Plus, the pictures ARE quite amazing, Just a good subject for my next update...)
I will leave you with these, and as I said, there are no captions...Just see them for what they are....

That is what I am doing.
More to come about Brighton and The wonderful Aquarium....

(PS! I also really wished that I would have had the time and everything else I would have had to work wonders to do, Like seeing the awesome SnowBallinHell who is in Swindon, and whom I wish I could of swept through this time round, If only things worked out the way you envisioned them...And I also am also sad that I didnt have the time to see more of Scotland, Including Aberdeen, where the most awesome pAuly and Skeneo reside...I really wish I had more time, but I am already planning another trip, hopefully after the summer, and well, we shall just have to see then...But I did want to mention that I had these fellow fiends on my list to see...I am sorry, but all I can say was Plans were basically void, next time...there is always next time...)
Oh yeah....and I am back, so THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY is going to have some interesting new stuff, now that we have our resident Mad scientist, Dr.Apy back...I hope you are all ready for some serious Horror and much more comin at ya!
You, are CRAZY...I didn't move to Alaska, I was just there for work (and I fly on the Aurora) You can't get rid of me that easy.