Allo From Jolly Ol Brighton...aka, one of the oldest smuggling villages...
Thank You All for the great wishes, I luckily did not have a Final Destination occurance...But I wouldn't of been surprised had I..
Lemme tell ya how I got treated gettin here...Its a doozy, but you wont hear anything like this one...
Alright...we ALLL know that Sadie LOVES and needs her BC bud...NOT English bud quite as much, although I havent tried, and maybe should reconsider when I reflect on someone like Ali.G...whom I have only seen 5 minutes of, enough to know...he loves Dakine, and nuts.
to be polite, I will simply say, that a quarter oz. of premium crystalized BC bud was 'hidden' a la Sadie's Gory Hole, so to speak...
I should mention here, that you might want to remember that I have not had intercourse with a boy in 2 and a half years..And yes, we all know this is by choice, (C'mon, we all know I COULD get laid if I wanted to..)
So....I stuffed, cramped, taped, corsetted, and squeezed the mighty amount into a tampon like device, and it looked when finished to be brilliant...
I never even should of done that...Not because I got caught, heres the rub...No customs for me!
Thats right...I had that in for approx. the cab ride to the airport in Van, through security check (which I was also 'fastracked' through) got on the plane, and when finding out that customs are on the other side, and a 10 hour flight with a very imposing tampon was not too I took it out, and just kept it on be replaced, at breakfast, and theen through the customs here.
I got to Gatwick with it in, and there was a car at the plane waiting for me, as because of my cane which I need to walk, gives airports a very fine service that employs more people....Driving and helping the 'differently Abled' or whatever fucking politically correct thing it is these days for being crippled with 20 yr old Rheumatoid Arthritis (Yeah wah, boo-hoo, it sucks, move on..) As you can see though, that even though I am just slightly weaker and need a cane will get me this wonderful treatment...But I never expected what I got from the (and THIS is so funny, as we all know my thumping hard on for Scottish Boys...) He was my driver and helper, who was
very happy to help, so happy that as we got round to customs, and a line of 300 people, persons on the floor emptying ALL thier luggage, babies crying, and just general CRAPO...and all I had to do was sit in a windowed cart, whilst the cute Scottish boy took my passport, ran up to one other officer, and a gate opened, and I went through in under 5 seconds!
I was officially here in good shape!
Then I am asked by the boy,
"Where shall I take you Miss Sadie? Luggage first?"
Since you get your luggage and go to customs, my baggage was amongst 3 other bags, obviously from someone who was on thier way to Hong Kong, or something, and he went and got all of it for me...and asked me where I needed to be to be picked up...
(I really wish I could of said anywhere by A Scottish Boy, but hindsight IS 20/20)So he brings me to be picked up by the incomparable bastard, antenna, but we drove around and could not find him, and I was SURE he would see me, so I looked, and then the boy said:
"I wont leave a miss like you to have to deal with all these wankers, I shall go and page....what or who is picking you up?(I answered 'anthony carpendale)
He went to a desk, pointed to me to the clerk, they both looked at me and smiled, (actually, every person that he took me to, and did something like customs for, they would look back and smile...what a friendly place!
He came back, assured me that he had gotten the clerk to keep eye on me, as he had to go, but assured me that the announcement would be made until I found ant, or 15 minutes, whatever came first, repeat if neccessary...
(Speaker phone announcement)
"Will a Mr.Carpendale please come to the desk, as your guest Miss Sadie is here and awaiting, Thank You.."
he found me as soon as he arrived 5 minutes later, we were ecxstatically happy to finally meet my bro in britain for two years, and I couldn't wait to squeeze his fine gals ass, my first female Bra I have been able to slap cheeks with now..VitriloiCunt( RobotsAteMyHairbeing my only other in here...We gals aren 'different' we are not really typical 'girls' we just prefer the company of men, for reasons I have not a fucking care to waste time telling I know not many gals in here would get it...)
But back to me in Brighton...I brought some loverly things for some loverly people, and I am still going to try and get together with SnowBallInHell, as I REALLY want to give her Birthday and 'Allo Luv!' gift, and get to meet her and her busom)
We are doing the Fringe, as both Antenna and apydiagirls are doing something, screening ants films, with music by apy, then apy headlines a very cool night of amazing 'Dark' music, which I am so very excited for...
Well, today we shall do what we started on my first day here, yesterday, (I got here Friday, But I am now adjusted to the change) so we will explore the open tombs of the local church, and then maybe some shopping, who knows, All I do know is I really want to keep writing about this trip, so I should be around more, and I shall try to do what I need to in TAA, but now that my Right-Hand Mad Scientist is back (JUST as I said he would be...) and we have a whole new slew of really interesting and well fucking wise gore hounds have joined, and we are hoping to do to them, what we did to the last major flux of members joining up, Make em die slowly!!
Just kiddin (?)
I will try my very hardest to come visit people in here, and as I said, we are working on different ways to slay in TAA, so in addition to working with the people involved here on the big upcoming first feature length hardcore erotic horror from ant, and Hey! Even a tad of a vacatioin for me, well...I will try my best, But Journals were never supposed to talk back when I stated my daily black books, but things have sure changed since Bauhaus and big hair and Black rippped stuff, two-steeping in a clove smoke engulfed room, and the stench of Gothic royalty wafted through the air...
So yeah...(The broken record once again PLEASE!)
Don't think I aint hearin ya, and comin backk to say het, just remember I have a blond streak...ok?
Survive with Sickening things...
'Gory Hole'
(previously Sexy Sadie)
PS. Working on getting pics up...I dyed my tips of my hair a firey red, so my hair now looks like natural flamines on a natural redhead, but I know you people wont wanna see unless I am pouting and and making a kissy face, I will assume time is not an issue...)
Thank You All for the great wishes, I luckily did not have a Final Destination occurance...But I wouldn't of been surprised had I..
Lemme tell ya how I got treated gettin here...Its a doozy, but you wont hear anything like this one...
Alright...we ALLL know that Sadie LOVES and needs her BC bud...NOT English bud quite as much, although I havent tried, and maybe should reconsider when I reflect on someone like Ali.G...whom I have only seen 5 minutes of, enough to know...he loves Dakine, and nuts.
to be polite, I will simply say, that a quarter oz. of premium crystalized BC bud was 'hidden' a la Sadie's Gory Hole, so to speak...
I should mention here, that you might want to remember that I have not had intercourse with a boy in 2 and a half years..And yes, we all know this is by choice, (C'mon, we all know I COULD get laid if I wanted to..)
So....I stuffed, cramped, taped, corsetted, and squeezed the mighty amount into a tampon like device, and it looked when finished to be brilliant...
I never even should of done that...Not because I got caught, heres the rub...No customs for me!
Thats right...I had that in for approx. the cab ride to the airport in Van, through security check (which I was also 'fastracked' through) got on the plane, and when finding out that customs are on the other side, and a 10 hour flight with a very imposing tampon was not too I took it out, and just kept it on be replaced, at breakfast, and theen through the customs here.
I got to Gatwick with it in, and there was a car at the plane waiting for me, as because of my cane which I need to walk, gives airports a very fine service that employs more people....Driving and helping the 'differently Abled' or whatever fucking politically correct thing it is these days for being crippled with 20 yr old Rheumatoid Arthritis (Yeah wah, boo-hoo, it sucks, move on..) As you can see though, that even though I am just slightly weaker and need a cane will get me this wonderful treatment...But I never expected what I got from the (and THIS is so funny, as we all know my thumping hard on for Scottish Boys...) He was my driver and helper, who was
very happy to help, so happy that as we got round to customs, and a line of 300 people, persons on the floor emptying ALL thier luggage, babies crying, and just general CRAPO...and all I had to do was sit in a windowed cart, whilst the cute Scottish boy took my passport, ran up to one other officer, and a gate opened, and I went through in under 5 seconds!
I was officially here in good shape!
Then I am asked by the boy,
"Where shall I take you Miss Sadie? Luggage first?"
Since you get your luggage and go to customs, my baggage was amongst 3 other bags, obviously from someone who was on thier way to Hong Kong, or something, and he went and got all of it for me...and asked me where I needed to be to be picked up...
(I really wish I could of said anywhere by A Scottish Boy, but hindsight IS 20/20)So he brings me to be picked up by the incomparable bastard, antenna, but we drove around and could not find him, and I was SURE he would see me, so I looked, and then the boy said:
"I wont leave a miss like you to have to deal with all these wankers, I shall go and page....what or who is picking you up?(I answered 'anthony carpendale)
He went to a desk, pointed to me to the clerk, they both looked at me and smiled, (actually, every person that he took me to, and did something like customs for, they would look back and smile...what a friendly place!
He came back, assured me that he had gotten the clerk to keep eye on me, as he had to go, but assured me that the announcement would be made until I found ant, or 15 minutes, whatever came first, repeat if neccessary...
(Speaker phone announcement)
"Will a Mr.Carpendale please come to the desk, as your guest Miss Sadie is here and awaiting, Thank You.."
he found me as soon as he arrived 5 minutes later, we were ecxstatically happy to finally meet my bro in britain for two years, and I couldn't wait to squeeze his fine gals ass, my first female Bra I have been able to slap cheeks with now..VitriloiCunt( RobotsAteMyHairbeing my only other in here...We gals aren 'different' we are not really typical 'girls' we just prefer the company of men, for reasons I have not a fucking care to waste time telling I know not many gals in here would get it...)
But back to me in Brighton...I brought some loverly things for some loverly people, and I am still going to try and get together with SnowBallInHell, as I REALLY want to give her Birthday and 'Allo Luv!' gift, and get to meet her and her busom)
We are doing the Fringe, as both Antenna and apydiagirls are doing something, screening ants films, with music by apy, then apy headlines a very cool night of amazing 'Dark' music, which I am so very excited for...
Well, today we shall do what we started on my first day here, yesterday, (I got here Friday, But I am now adjusted to the change) so we will explore the open tombs of the local church, and then maybe some shopping, who knows, All I do know is I really want to keep writing about this trip, so I should be around more, and I shall try to do what I need to in TAA, but now that my Right-Hand Mad Scientist is back (JUST as I said he would be...) and we have a whole new slew of really interesting and well fucking wise gore hounds have joined, and we are hoping to do to them, what we did to the last major flux of members joining up, Make em die slowly!!
Just kiddin (?)
I will try my very hardest to come visit people in here, and as I said, we are working on different ways to slay in TAA, so in addition to working with the people involved here on the big upcoming first feature length hardcore erotic horror from ant, and Hey! Even a tad of a vacatioin for me, well...I will try my best, But Journals were never supposed to talk back when I stated my daily black books, but things have sure changed since Bauhaus and big hair and Black rippped stuff, two-steeping in a clove smoke engulfed room, and the stench of Gothic royalty wafted through the air...
So yeah...(The broken record once again PLEASE!)
Don't think I aint hearin ya, and comin backk to say het, just remember I have a blond streak...ok?
Survive with Sickening things...
(previously Sexy Sadie)
PS. Working on getting pics up...I dyed my tips of my hair a firey red, so my hair now looks like natural flamines on a natural redhead, but I know you people wont wanna see unless I am pouting and and making a kissy face, I will assume time is not an issue...)
Have a safe flight home
Love and kisses
Michelle xx