Ok..I lie.
There ain't a damned thang wrong, bloody, naked, or gory goin on here, I thought we would continue with some banilla fun, so you will REALLY appreciate what we are planning to do with my new Nuns costume, and Vlack PVC Butchers apron...Oh the possibilities!!
Okay, so here is a photo essay type-thing, and I will lay down what is up afterwards..(So yeah...If looking at all the pictures bothers you, then just skip all the way down to the words at the bottom...)
Shall we begin?
First set? Fire-Bellied Newts...

So some of you are goin..."Hey! I thought there was only Smeagol and Deagol?? Who is the new big one??? Welllll...he was a bit of a 'surprise' that happened, and now? Well, we have 'Golem'...(Yeah, REAL original names, huh? I remember they WERE 15 years ago...)
So yeah....Fire-Bellied Newts are quite interesting...

Um, Yep...This is exactly what it looks like...It IS a Newt Orgy...except...they are too young to sex, so I dont know who is doing what, but they do it alot!
And...Just like real threesomes?...

...Someone ALWAYS gets left out...(I wouldnt know tho...I have always been the one that doesnt get kicked off the bed...)
OKAY!! So...I have also been very busy setting up two new Vivariums (Where the reptiles live in...) as I got me a new 40 gallon tank for Severin, and set up the old 10 Gallon one that was Severin's. and made a pond that bubbles, and now the newts live here...

And That is the Fire-Bellied newts!!
ALRIGHTY! So bow you are thinking..."Where the fuck did you put that darling dragon Severin?", Well, as we all know, some more than others, these guys grow fast...they grow big, and they like to run and jump at shit....they are quite the amazing guys...(And yeah...The way Severin has been acting in his adolescence? I think he pretty well thinks he IS the shit...)
So here is where Severin now lives...

...And here we have the ever growing pig himself..(Aren't his horns and thorns growin in just dandy?)

Alright...Just a few more...and they are just of Lil ol me...in the Spring, which is amazing, considering that just two weeks ago we were still having Tsunami's and Hail!(???) Well, That is the bane of having so much great things here, I suppose. (Shit, I think just the pot-culture here makes it worth any weather to bear, ) Especially when we are having good weather it looks like this..

(Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I fuckin love my stompin grounds: Commercial Drive!!! Yup, we are surrounded by those Mountains all around the whole fuckin city, and then some!! I Heart Vancouver!)
Even when I see somethin I still appreciate seeing the inevitable other signs of Spring...

Alright...Down to the boring shite I guess. As you know, I am about to embark accross the pond to take part, and meet, party, and go crazy with my fellow filmakers in crime, The Director:Antenna and his fine-ass woman, and my newest galpal supreme, Hels...(once known as rela here, once upon a time..) as for apydiagirls, same story, but we are working on him, as he is our mighty musician , whom also will be sharing the Brighton Fringe Festival crowd, as they both have thier own shows! (W00T!)and then we are gonna see more of pourselves and England..(Yeah, Yeah...You better damned work with us on gettin to you, Misshelley! I am not forgettin bout ya!) and then, after that? We plan to follow apy back to Glasgow to show this Scottish Lovin gal what and how the kids do it Scottish style...Hopefully even get to Averdeen...I only have 2 weeks! However, since this is only the first initial time I am going over, (The next time will be to film, and so on..Coming up this Summer) I also want to see my very merry cheri, Sunghost, and Visit the Ol Family Templar Castle, Chateau Chastenay (Google it up...if you are into Templars? You are going to cream over our castle..)
Anyhow...I know I have still been a little long in the tooth in my updates, But I figure I do it maybe 3 times a month...if? I guess my plans of trying to see this place through better eyes is gettin me, as again, I come back to see even MORE of my fiends have been zotted, or gave this place the proverbial finger salute.
I am trying...I really am!
Now I am Off to go and blow off some steam with my Bonesaw in The Abominable Apothecary...As I am sure the gang in there are wondering why the fuck I am keeping this months very last quiz question from them...
he he hehhh...

I think I also have a few faces and fiends to harrass in here too...(oh, and some really nice THANK-YOUS as well...)
I am still here, Just got this thing called a busy friggin life...C'mon, I know there are some here who know what that means.
Gorewhore Out...

PS: Is it just me...or? Is there something or anything remotely sexy, let alone glamorous or even has a fuckin reason why, But is 'Methadone' just as cool as bein a 'junkie' now?
Thanks SS/Gh 

Best journal entry today. Ever.