Well Good Golly Gee, Greetings Boils and Ghouls!!
Well...I suppose I should say a wee word about my last entry.
Yeah...I was pretty much fed-up with this place, basically bexause of everyone leaving, and well...you know. I just wish to say, on the other hand? I was surprised at some of the comments and e-mails from some of you peeps, and I was actually shocked, and almost sad that I saw names and faces of folks I had not spoken to in a while...and you know?
I missed out.
So...as I said...I have 90 days here left...I am going to try and get to know the folks that appeared and made me realize that I had forgotten about so many interesting and great peeps.
We shall see.
See...Here's the deal, and this also answers the questions I have been getting about some things mentioned in the last entry.
First thing? The Horror Film.
Two SG'ers, and two of my closest Boy-Fiends, that being the incomparable team of terrorful talent, antenna, being the award winning and listed Horror flick Master extraordinaire, and someone I cannot thank enough for knowing, and of course, The other, apydiagirls, The other half, The macabre musician, who really knows how to play a mean set of keys like your nerves were the ivory being touched instead, among other talents (TOO may fucking talents if ya ask me...) are basically where my path has taken me for now, and it is looking like I shall ve visiting London for a week or two with said Boys, along with the lewd and lascivious lady of ant's, Ex SG'er, Rela, and well? If things go right? I shall be in London, or another alternate location somewhere on the isle, to spend some fabulous time together, and get a proper start on where and what I shall be doing in this ground-breaking, never before seen, and original as secreted as possible, new genre of Horror, One that will make Indy Horror crawl into the bored, jaded minds of all the cynnical Gore-Hounds, and it will be GRAND!
So yeah...Thank you for asking hermes, I didn't think you needed THIS in your comments.
(As well for all other curious inquiries concerning this)
I am also trying to squeeze a roadtrip to the Southern states in my new Chevy Van, with my very close ami, SunGhost, whom some may also know as sCent, He lives in Paris, and wanted to come over here, and well, there are a whole crew in Texas we want to see, and Vice Versa, So, that would be squeezed in before I go back to the UK to actually do the film, and also go to Paris, to hang with sCent, and see my Templar Bloodline Castle which bares my family name and is infamous for its role in Templar history, so that is an imperative on my list to do as well.
The last thing I am working on, again with above-mentioned fiends, The Abominable Apothecary site.
I am now in the process of taking the club and business, and we are all going to turn the site into a Horror-Midway, if you please. Not like typical Horror sites, But this one is going to exist not only for PR for all involved, But the plan is to also offer people a cyber-carnival of games ALL written around specific Horror, genres or even epics of the good ol slashers...you name it? We are going to provide ways to stump you...But should you win yourself enough points? Hell, we even have swag to give out IF anyone actually does win anything (Its possible, I KNOW you people exist!) We also plan to be the ONLY site that will NOT be there to tell you when SAW 3 is coming out, or any of the usual shit for THAT matter, Nope...The warning will prolly read:
"If you are coming here to hear great things about upcoming Crappy horror? GO AWAY! We are ALL jaded fuckers here, and a little fuckin sick of the same ol, same ol, wherever we go...Nope, you will NOT hear anything positive about your Blockbuster crap here."
...or something like that.
Anyhow...I suppose that is as best of an update that I can pull outta my ass right now,
Oh yeah...I did that silly thing and admitted to a really slimy wet crush, didn't I?
Well...nothing has changed. No names to protect the poor guy, and well? Lets just say I am smiling ALOT more...I am feeling just like I look like I am feeling in that pic up there, hence the reason for illustration.
That is about all, except that I just may have been swain to think that perhaps in the remaining 90 days or so that I am here?
I shall try to get to know the folks I have not yet, and get to know the ones I do alot better.
Hoping All of you are Hornblowin and Hedonistically headed, Just remember to put newspapers down first...
Your Gorewhore...

Oh yeah, Forgeot to mention, I had to get myself a proper name for this upcoming film, and so did/does most others involved, without gibing too much away, all I will say is this: My moniker will be "Gory Hole"
(and Yes, I copyrighted it, so don't even THINK about grabbing my name girlies!!!)
BONUS: I also want to direct you all to a REALLY great site to hear some awesome eerie electronica, and also me in a rather somber song (it was a complete surprise sample!) of me talkin about my love of feeding my Lizard Luscius, and the song, along with the rest of the LP, just released, is an excellent example of just how incredible apydiagirls' talents really are.(http://www.dissolvedamberrooms.com) There ya go! The track I am doing the Sonic Youth thing on is called 'Centrifuge Coma'...GO LISTEN NOW!!! (Did I mention he also just got on a great Album effort called 'Noise Against Mothers'...Highly Recommended, Plus? He is outta this place soon, so get to hear it all now!
it actually looks like i will be sticking around the site for a while longer...but have no worries...i'll look after everything while you're away.
cheers matey...and thanks again.
But really,thanks for going out of your way to be so nice......
Here's a little something for you