Yes, This is the truth...So if you are one of the sheep in here, I am warning you now.
I am gonna show my big bad fuckin wolf teeth right now, so ya better go the hell away and go look at some naked bitches, cause the only thing in this entry that IS naked? is the fuckin Bitching...(small difference)
Okay...some of you may have noticed, and I say 'some' with the dearest fiends in mind, as I know I am not really very popular, and that is just fine...I don't need to be popular, never have had to been, and have had to been, and now I call the shots on whom I wish to invest any time into.
I have decided this.
I look at the grey folks...and I think "MAN! Just when I was going to reveal the secret to the universe to..." and BAM! next time you look? They have gone grey.
Now...We got a Helluva alot of people on this site, Why the HELL are so many folks, and I find it is the really curious and clever ones, of course, that are leaving in droves.
I am here for 3 more months...I could have just dropped off the planet with not even a goodbye, But, I decided to stay for another 3.
Well...It sure as hell ain't the sets, I am afraid...
(Although I did notice that the level of yarn-haired, Aushwitcz victims with Bluebird tattooes has declined slightly for more 'realistic' gals.Bravo.)
Its the few of you boils and ghouls that I have come to find aspects in that just amaze me...as opposed to those who make a daily point of using thier journals for a daily purge of how much life sucks when your boss just doesnt understand you cause he makes you take your septum ring out...(Its okay tho, cause you have had the same problem with Mom and Dad, That is exactly why you had to get a real job in the first place, remember? They didnt want to pay for them, just like they have done for everything else, right? You poor, poor, thing.)
Nope...I must admit, I really have not been the nicest person here when it comes to calming such calamities, have I?
However, I will tell you a few of the fiends who have and still maintain a level of respect from sure have left me with a gaping mouth, agaw at the level of enthusiasm that they take in the pleasure of life in here...and Usually they are just as cynnical, and as much as a jaded fuck as I am.
They are into Horror like there is no tommorrow, and have found me to be somewhat slightly entertaining, and share the smile of knowing that they belong to a small percentile of peeps who rather watch people getting thier faces ripped off than kissed.
Which reminds me...I DO owe a mighty huge apology to some of you...(well, actually, to many of you...)
I know I have said I was going to be better when it came to SG, and all of you I loathe dearly in that way that I am comfortable to admit to publicly.
But the truth is?
I have this thing...Its called a life, I know, I know...we ALL have em...But I just have not felt much in the mood, as always, to come in here, and do just what all the popular and pretty folks do in here...moan about my life.
We all do it.Some of us, however, just don't make it public...and well, I am one of those.
I am also working on so many projects right now, and without saying too much, quite honestly? I am kicking ASS. And THAT is why I am here to set it straight.
I want to apologize to all of you whom I have not contacted, visited, or sent packages to. I have an office that has been hosting different people for different reasons, non-stop it seems for the past 3 months. Its not that I mind...But I started to take on too much. My gig, The New website, the film that I am going to the UK to make with some rather talented people. And even a possibility so awesome that I could die happy, fulfilling all of my lifes goals.
Heck...Did I even mention that I think I am actually *big breath*um...(Oh man, I am going to kill you hippomonki for telling all of us to do this)
Okay...I have REALLY hot, wet, slimy, slippery, bitey, bloody Lust for a certain boy in this hellhole.
There...*phew* I said it already! (Happy Hippomonki???)
But, that, surprisingly enough, is NOT the reason I am stayin for another 3 months.
I am staying to see that someone like mattthegoon/tofupirate or Scissorhands
, or any of the inner core of TAA members that are still here possibly be suitable candidates to take over it in here, while myself, and the other 3 key fiends have or are leaving soon, so we need a Good Godamned Gorehound to make us proud. (Trust me, we shall do the same)
I am staying so I can make sure that I DO get to meet and stay in touch with all the UK'ers that I cannot wait to meet in flesh hopefully VERY soon (Hey, when you are working around a film production schedule...it does make things a tad ambiguous)
I am also staying so I can make sure that I get these LONG past overdue packages piling up on my Office floor out to the names that adorn the wrapping...I must apologize to all that have things coming from me...I really have been trying to send them all out at once, But I just keep finding little things I want to add...I think I am near to done...So Just know that I have not forgotten, I plead the 5th, I am slave to the 7 deadly sins.
And Lastly, I just wish to say one more thing...
(and yeah....Its a rant, deal with it...)
I know I do not visit this land of pink enchantment daily, (out of choice) and I know I said I was going to try...(I did, I really did try!!) But see...I found what I was looking for, and more here, and I feel that this place has basically done all it is going to do for me. I only really talk to one female (Only one left that I know is not trying to be An SG, kind of rare around here, and you know what? I think she is just the fuckin most awesome lady, cause THAT is what she is...a fuckin Lady, One that does not need to prove it in other way except for that bold spirit that just seems to go on...Yeah yeah, take a bow, Snowballinhell, Somehow that name really suits her in here...)
And plus? She is the only other one I know who has the Balls to actually just spit it out, and never does the pity thing...FINALLY a woman who isn't a fuckin girl!
There are so many of you that I have not even began to get to know, yet I want to before I leave. Just so I can say that I gave it a go, and I didn't just have this fucking list for nothing.(Gee, maybe I should of used it as a popularity gage as I quickly learned was the standard around here)
I leave now...and to be honest? I am really only going to be concentrating on what and who I am leaving with in my heart from this place now...And, of course, The Apothecary, It has helped to open and broaden so many peoples scope on Horror, and has created bonds between the far and few of us that really believe that this is where we are supposed to be, and we are supposed to be what we are.
Despite Hollywood ruining it for most of us, But, We are already at work on that...Nuff said. It shall ALL be explained and brought to fruition in TAA, That is all I have to say about that.
I suppose this is as good as this update is going to get...Most of my sets are now soley being shot for the site, and 'other' interested parties.
Besides, Like I said...we ALL know you just aren't attractive unless you have been photographed, photoshopped, and sliced and diced into a perfect picture of pink wonderment (But don't do a set with a bathtub of red food colouring...It just may offend the new gals, as they seem to be pretty friggin normal these days.) Besides, who cares, it is ALL about the T and A, right?
And to think, I actually once was under the impression that there was a thriving community here, devoid of the shotgun sets.
I guess I was wrong.
I am going to go and fantasize now that I have someone to do so to.


Rock thrown.
you have msn messenger or something