...and Resolutions are for QUITTERS!!! BAH!
Before the Pics begin, I shall just say that I am severly disappointed in this place, and I cannot blame the many fiends of mine (whom I spend more time with outside this place anyhow) whom have, are, or planning on ditchin this place is phenomenal...What the hell?
I admit...I have been shirking this place in lieu of much more important things that I know am quite confident will just be an incredible bout of business for all things this GOREWHORE calls imperative...I just might make it kids!
BUT, again, without jinxing it, (and thee important fucks in my life know what they are, *wink wink, nudge-nudge*)
So...Having said that? Let the Barrage of Horrorday Pics begin!
(and Honestly? The captions are all you are gonna get...As for 'The Bundle of Joy' that miraculously was born on the 24th, I honestly think I am taking this celebecy thing WAY too serious...I mean, THIS was not possible!)
Shall We?
GOOD! On with it then!

Always a good thing.

Okay, THAT was a real slice, huh? Well, I suppose I owe you an explanation as to this Virgin Birth thing...It was such a wonderful surprise when he was delivered, and I could not have done it without the token midwitch: SnowballInHell

So....Here they are...The very first pics of our newest addition to the family...Meet whom we have nicknamed 'Zedd'...

Yes, Here I am, feeding Zedd, which is actually his middle name, and from what the scroll has told me, he was a budding young journalist whom got into a bit o trouble when he went to do an expose on Satanic Cults...Well, the reporter, whose name is William Z.Roberts (Which is where the Scottish background is derived from..) But now?? His name on the Official Certificate is Bill.Z.Bob...That's why we call him Zedd for short.

He really is actually quite a L'il Devil...MAN! Human Blood for Babies has got to be THEE most expensive human product there is! Christ, we do what we have to for the little tykes now, don't we?
....and last, but not least, I also received another one of these...

...show up as a gift to my growing collection (The new one is HANSEL, the one in the cage whilst a very tall and sexy GRETEL wipes up the witch...C'MON! Remember your Brother's Grimm!)
It was sent by a secret admirer

Woo! Thank You secret Satan Claws??!!
(You may like to know, along with thee gal who makes the UK look look fabulous and not gay, SnowballInHell for the Crypt Kiddie, He is my first!! And Secret Admirer?? You would not happen to be A Scottish Cannibal, do you?)
A lass can dream.
I know I am not here very much, But honestly, I have reality shit, and I don't place SG too high on my 'career' chart, know what I mean?
(And Yes, I will go and post a bunch of shit in TAA for all of you that may be wonderin...I have been, and will be playing Host to yet another SG'er, and member of the circus I ran off to when I was a young un, powermannfrom the JRCS(The Jim Rose Circus Sideshow) this weekend for some time here in glorious Vancouver to get a taste of Lotusland Lust! Yes indeed, Not only is he THEE only member that has not yet experienced how we take care of our Circus Folk in the abode we have always opened it to..(Will it EVER end!!)
ALL you Vancouver Folk...Keep a lookout, cause he WILL be performing...(Ahem, Yes, that would be to anyone in SGBC that wishes to not only see The World's Fattest Contortionist, BUT...also want to show him how we party Vancouver Style...I shall be posting times and places in SGBC)
Um...I think that is about it.
Oh yeah....If anyone wants to get to know me...You have 3 months...I have, along with many of my fiends, have decided that, well, there are some 'issues' that just plain fuckin stink in here...I mean, I am sure I will let it ALL out as soon as I am done, (HAH! Zot me then FUCKERS!) But, In the meantime?!?
There IS damage to be done.
Your Gorewhore,

hope all is well,
burn she-devil, burn ~ The Cramps
burn she-devil, burn
burn she-devil, burn
burn she-devil burn she-devil burn burn burn
she's a hootch dancer down underground
one hot flame pot she-hellhound
burn she-devil, burn
red pointy tail, big black mass
burn your fingers on her hot ass
burn she-devil, burn......
crotchless panties, breakaway bra
warlock antlers, monkey paw
burn she-devil, burn.....
they're all horny down below
and she's the reason they all go ....
"burn she-devil,burn..."