
It was not until one of my favorite Scottish Boys (And there is a few!) that I realized that AAACK! It IS The Horrordays!!
(Thanks pAuly, cause "'pAuly Loves Ya!")
Okay...I fib...I KNOW it's Fuckin X'MyASS! How would I know such sacred info??
Weeeeeelllll.....I DID go to a VERY swankee soiree this last weekend, and a great weekend with a bunch of new buddies from Oregon (Hail to the 'PDX 88 Crew'!!Poison Oak, Moss,Hanseland Milo! They were the most wonderfullest Houseguests, and I would have em again anytime!
So...I got some pics of SGBC's swank night to show ya...
Surprisingly enough? I got some good ones from the inside...But they were a bit 'blurred' as there was a WHOLE lotta bumpin goin on...
But these were taken as we waited on the phone for a cab apres la soiree....See how happy I look at 2 am?

And then? 2 of my finer features and assets...

And I also should post a pic of the PDX gang and I (which I thought turned out just BOO-Tiful with those Rays of Sun...GAH!)

So...Let me seeeeee.....I am trying to get on here and see as many of you creeps as I can, and If I am REALLY ambitious? I just might drop a nasty Horrorday greetin in your madpad...I know I should have some really fuckin interesting and exciting schmooze to ooze, But the truth is...IT'S THE FRIGGIN HORRORDAYS!
Which means that in addition to working on my Horrorday set for TAA WITH my Father here...in my place...staying, for that time...First Horrordays without pizelles made from my Mother showing up in a care package of stuff that would have made my ass huge....So, Instead? My Dad shows up with SO much fuckin Jack Daniels, and slips me a bill to go see our friendly neighborhood BC's Finest Dealer...
Needless to say, when you are stinkin drunk, stoned, and have THE DEVILS REJECTS on the 40 inch Flatscreen...The first night was utterly painless...I think he and I are going to start looking for my 78 Chevy Box Van I am buying for myself, Him being an ex-drag racer for the NHRA really helps when it comes to babying a box of steel and Horsepower into a snarling Manbeast of a souped up Chev...
My Mother is watching and not happy....
My sister is watching and is not happy...
and Me?
I am just sittin back and lookin foward to the new year where all parties ivolved have agreed, will most DEFINATELY be THEE year of the rest of our lives, Good stuff that is too good to be true is knockin, and now all I gotta do is make sure I am ready to do what I have been workin my ass off Goreslinging for over a decade...I just may be in your faces sooner than you think guys...But I ain't jinxin a Godamned thing, cause I REALLY want it ALL!
(Hey, I have NO problem admitting I am a Power-Hungry, Ass-Kicking BITCH...It's when you guys all call me 'such a sweetie' or somethin that really hurts...
OH! Yes, I KNOW what I wanted to post...
Yes, REAL MONEY!!! Right here!!! I shit you not!
I am looking for a web-designer...Possibly even a webmaster, who, and this REALLY is a must, MUST know thier Horror shit...I Know I could go to half a million designers, and my pay would just be coinnage in thier over stuffed wallets, However, I REALLY want to give someone out there a chance to not only make monthly coin, But, I am gettin alot of work, and I am also getting alot of hits and people going "Well where is the rest???" on the site we are working on for the TAA, However, I need to have my own personal site for the biz, which WILL, and is already up and is in the TAA site...SO...If you are anyone who needs $$$ to basically post pics of me in various costumes and stages of undress for the shows, and get to make it as godamned gory and nasty as you want to?
Let me know...I just figured I would offer the coin to any of you creeps before I go to some rotten spoiled shits.
So...This has been an Update....
I am on and off, up and about, as it IS the Horrordays, and I shall spend any free time between what Solstice Debauchery brings...and sporadic urges to see all yer mugs and stuff...
Drink and Be Mary, If the Dress fits...
and Scare some kids, prefferably by melting those awful 'BRATZ' dolls right in front of them...("Oh, You ARE a Hottie NOW, Chelsea!")
And uh...watch THE GRINCH (With Boris Karloff), If you can roll around under the Mistletoe with the one you CAN roll around under the Mistletoe with...(I know I am not that fortunate...)
And...Um...*scratches head*
Oh Yeah!
The ONLY thing that I ever used to gauge whether this bloody Holiday is actually in motion is hearing those wonderful 7 words that I am sure alot of you can remember with a fond, melancholy, smile as always...
"Sadie, You have ruined another fucking Christmas!!"
Happy Horrordays Creeps...I'll be comin round.
(Ok...I will give you ONE last "Me drunk on the Red Velvet Chaise Lounge" pic...

yah yah...

I'm still going to be doctor over at TAA.com though and I promise that will be with 1000% added terror, increased ghoulishness and effort too. Speak to you very soon. Apy.