Hey all you kiddies...
Yup...Go ahead...
Kick Me.
Slap Me.
(No, I do not actually want your nasty cootie-laden loogie touching me.)
I have been M.I.A.
And you know something? I am really upset with myself that for almost 2 weeks, I have not done a thing in TAA, (I have not even been in there, I just know I shall get various rotted Halloween fruit thrown at me by the people I know and loathe) And? Even worse? I have not done a damned thing in the website...Yes, that would be the website that I am working on with 3 people I have divine faith in, and I have napkins of notes to get from this world, into this world is something I GOTTA learn...
But you know what? I have not missed the crap that lingers like a Prom-Queen fart in here...I didnt miss the ' this SG's blog got taken down, and this SG went and is modelling in hell, and THIS SG went wee wee wee ALL the way home...' shit.
Nope Haven't missed that at all.
But as I have sat myself down with a full cup of coffee, and Love & Rockets wailing in the foreground here (Yeah, So I was a Goth-Queen during the second coming...Wouldn't be here if I hadn't of.)
Sue Me.
I have actually no particular reason for my absence, Do I really need one?
Well, yeah...I do actually, cause whether I give a shit about 20 or 120 people in this place is what it really comes down to. I have lost sooooo many great people as fiends due to either their departure, Death (Yes, I actually had my first 'cyber-buddy' die), or because of my own moves like this, where I just don't come in and do what I should be, and so I end up losing a bunch of people who are really cool, but deserve more than a casual couple o paragraphs when I do make it in and have a shitload of stuff I want to go and transcribe from one of many of those cheap red & black chinese notebooks that I have lying around, But nope.
Now, I did start to go into why this is all going on, However, I decided against it, cause well, I just don't feel like it, I figure that anyone who wants to know either already has a guess, or will approach me about it.
And No...I do not have a blog that goes into detail.
All I will say is it is a sum of many things that I am allowing myself the loss of SG energy , to replace a growing ball inside of me that I am going to need very soon. Perhaps some of you that also walk the same path as I know what I speak of...And to those whom don't? Don't know what to tell you...Go read L.O.T.R again, or something, I guess.
In that same breathe, I really should elucidate and be more concise in saying that this Ball'o' Fire that grows is growing to take on big things, Grand things, Things that I hope to not only blow my own mind with, But take a few others down with me...Willing they may be.
But, as with everything...In order for a little seed to grow into the most beautiful Sativa bitch that just won't stop coming, We gotta make sure she gets the best attention, make only the finest cuts while trimming, and even going as far to liken the pruning to a Zen Bonsai Tree, decades old.
I also have decided that in this round of visiting madpads...I am going to take a good long inventory of this so-called 'Friend List' (NOT to ne confused with 'Fiends' You know who you are) It's like I really am going to delete all these friend requests unless you come and say something, ANYTHING! Shit...Tell me what you favorite Horror Film is...C'mon...I would think that would be a most obvious way to start a conversation,with me at least, wouldn't it?
Oh...I just want to throw out a huge fuckin slimy smooch to punkinhead as, like no other person has ever done in such an open and yes, even making me blush, left a very descriptive and flattering 'Fright Fantasy' for me in the last group of comments...
Thank You...I don't blush easily.
And Europe?
Yes...I am already looking at prices, It's just a matter of where I am wanted, and who wants me there...

Please be patient...I am still alive, I am just spending some much-needed time with my 'advisors'.
(I PROMISE I will come and vist everyone tho! and there's ALWAYS TAA and Chat on Sunday...I am spreading myself where I can.)
Loathe me or Leave me...

(Yeah, Yeah...I don't slap the sailor's cock outta your mouth when you're workin!!)
perhaps we can find a bear when i come down