Greetings Creeps!
So, Having slept off the week (or so) of my deleriously, debaucherized dent in my duty as not only a Witch, But as A Goreslinger during the celebration of Samhain/Hallowe'en, You know...
I am serious.
I worked a gig every single week of Hallowe'rn, and then, as you may remember, I had camera from Hell problems, and generally...I was so fuckin tired, I have JUST gotten my ass where it should be back, and I am doing more than simply sleeping, and waiting for the postman, as he has been bringin me somethin every day.
I am hoping my genuine Black vintage 8-strap gater belt, with steel buckles, will arrive soon...I went on quite a little shopping spree...Nothing too hoitsy-toitsy, I am being VERY S-Mart with my funds...I did just dandy before them, I shall do the same with.
Rxcept I DID pick up some sweet Black PVC Boots, skintight, that are your basic Fetish-add-another -6-inches-to-your-height-deals...I am just over 6'4 with them on...
This is the 6th pair of boots I posess now...The most in a while.
I also procurred THIS little dandy belt buckle to buckle me to my bloodline...(Those nasty Knights Templar!) I spotted this one, and it was a lone piece...It spoke to me and I couldn't say "No..."

and then, It actually lifts and opens up to...

LOL! Isn't it wickedly warranted?
I figure that it just may attract the right hands to want to lift up the Faceplate to see what eyes stare up from beneath them.
Looks Good, Has personal Meaning, Not too expensive, and mult-functional perks?
How could I NOT?
You know...I am feeling this place, and Man, I know I am not feelinf the same 'community' I once felt in the belly of the beast here. People have left...Then, and this REALLY gets me...I get Friend Requests from people who cannot even say a thing to me. What is with this? I mean, I am not the most social person round here, Most of the fiends I have are either fellow TAA members, Both in here, and The site...People whom I have not made feel weird about, since I am not a frequent flter, and I ain't working towards any in here with folks...No offense, But I have no shame in being truthful, By admitting that I have tried to, But I just founf that there are these unwritten codes of conduct that applu yo who gets talked to, and who doesn't...I kept saying I felt like it was like High School in here, But I have mentioned it in passing, I am sure.
I mean, I simply don't ask anyone based on what I see in someones madpad to be my friend, unless I have at least posted something or two already, to whomever I am intregued by...I am actually pretty shy, and Honestly? I don't think I have ever just 'asked' someone cause of thses elusive, daring unknown reason to me.
It shows confidence, But I learned quite quickly just how 'confident' some people in here are.
I know that I am also noy playing by the 'rule' of "You must write back to who has left you a comment. AND, Furthermore...It must be done in a certain amount oftime, or you will be deemed 'rude' and you find yourself slowly losing touch with people who actually live out quite an existence here.
I know I am making plans, and have been for awhile, to fly over to Europe, by way of Paris, to see my longtime pal who I dragged in here, SunGhost. Urban Exploration in thee Tunnels, (Yeah, all 1,000 or so miles of them under Paris...) and, of course...The Chateau Chastenay, Our Family CastleChateau Chastenay...Built by the Templars, which boasts an incredible history, and a most grave Grotto beneath the Structure,. I am very, VERY excited about that. I know I shall find many answers on this trip...That is where I shall begin to look for them.
Then, I anticipate finally seeing London, (with any luck, also a few of you Bleedin Limeys as well, )Especially, antenna&rela, who have not only offered to be my guide to the Urban Exporation, the experts they are, and the procurement of the wax likeness of Vincent Price, the only one that exists between all the Madame Tussauds museams (I have been to ALL of them except London. The Tower of London, and that Underground Boat ride through the old dewers which have the most repulsive panoramas...I cannot wait!
Then? If people are not bored with me yet, or havent run away hearing of my approach, I will go to Scotland, again, anticipating meeting a truly incredible curiousity, apydiagirls, Whom I hope has the stomach to stomach me. And then to see the Aberdeen Boys, pAuly,skeneo, and shaunie...But like I said...I had hoped on an earlier trip, However, situations hold me back until after the Holidays.
My Father, This is good, Just got a job dropped into his lap working for one of THEE most expensive and highly engineered audio systems, and is now in L.A working on Keith Richards personal studio, Herbie Hancock is next week, then I get him for just under a month, then off he goes into 'The Life' )I REALLY wanna know how he managed THAT!)
I believe they are called 'Tetra Speakers'
I just bought a really nice Theatre system....Boy, was I ever DUMB! How was I supposed to know tho? Oh well...There's always room in this house for more A & V Equipment.
I hope everything is just as swell as hell for all..I know, I know...I REALLY gotta get on my ass about visiting folks. But when you are working and have so many things on your mind, needless to say, it has this horrible effect.,,So Yes...I know...I suck, This may be true...Could be worse tho...I could wake up as any of you.

(I LOVE This Painting...It is quite a twist on the infamous Poker-Playing-Pooches! Poker Playing Princes of Horror. Priceless!)


how are you? its been a long time since ive heard from you, when are you meeting on the TAA chat , couse i can log into that, and it would be really nice to chat sometime soon well thats it for now
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