...and if you want to see this set get really nude and nasty...You will either have to be A lucky member of THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY, wait for them to be uploaded to the website www.theabominableapothecary, in my personal area for business, called THE GORY HOLE...
You can just wait and see if I decide to let all you other fucks see it in one of my folders.
SO...I started this Midnight Hallow's Eve, and Now? we are into our 3rd day of Samhain celebrations, (and this was my ONE day I didn't work this week, but I got naked and bloody for hours...same thing.) and I am updating and trying to visit everyone of my fiends in here and deliver all you a slightly belated Hallowe'en greeting...
You see...Everything was going smoothly...Busy as hell, and my leg still not doin the walkin thing completely right, But you know me...I am a tough cookie. However, when we first went through ALL the trouble of all the stuff you MUST have ready for the types of sets I do for TAA (and some of you just plain sick fucks who just like to look and I love to show...) usually always involves copious amounts of real or stage blood (Either one tastes yummy!)
So...We got EVERYTHIG ready, and because of my desire to procure an incredible new 40 inch Flatscreen HD TV, and another , stronger and more dependable, Home theatre, I figured the new camera could wait, and we would use my ol reliable for the very last time..
Well, Ol Reliable didn't even make it to 'Ol', as 3 months past the warranty, and 4 shots in, It died.
(It's always something dying with me, isn't it?) SOOOO, I ran to buy the new Uber 5.0 Sony camera at 10 am, then had to go for weekly chat in TAA (which I may add is getting more and more people registered , and not from in here, every day!) Then? Go work a 3 storey Haunted House, and run 4 screens with various Horror fliks being shown...PHEW! Thank the Gods for male minions!
So...Needless to say, I have not slept, I am BEAT, and I still have to go round and make sure you all know who's thinkin of ya on this Glorious Samhain night!
I went out before we began to shoot today, and it was raining wet, cold rain ALL day today. I shook my head, and sighed at the reality of a wet Samhain night. But, Do we Witches ever stop? Hell NO! I made surem along with ALL my sisters, being such good little spellmakers, made sure that not one spider was killed by any of us, and Voila! Dusk fell, and the night came in eolling with clouds into a beautiful clear, dark, starry Hallows Eve.
I heard the laughs of children, and saw the colours of fireworks being let off in the park next to us, reflecting off my cigarette holder.
AND...when the shoot was over, We celebrated it with my newly aquired, and right in time, I might add, Coffin Box set of THE BLIND DEAD COLLECTION...(It's about REALLY creepilicious Templar Zombies, (that are actually quite uncomfortably realistic, and considering the 4 films were done in the early 70's Spain? You can take your CGI effects, and

I suppose that is enough for now, Kiddliwinks...I also want to end this by saying, I have actually had some of my faith semi-restored in this place, as the fiends that have gone grey are not a good memory, I see it works in here, the way it works with anything else...One head gets chopped off?
And another takes it's place.
I am trying to get to all of you!
(Be patient...I actually like to take my time and have fun with this. )
I wouldn't have it ANY other way.

(You know I gotta!)
Slimiest Smooches to ALL!

(It should be uploaded by now...If not? I am doing it!)
i did see the 23's in the zombie survival handbook, my husband and i actually stole that book a couple years ago from a high school library he was doing the electrical for in colorado

I think your bloody icing is on my devils food cake.