HELL-O Boils and Ghouls!!!
Oh! and what A Wonderful Time of the year! I am so very glad that I have seemed to recovered with some of my knee still intact, and I am workin my fingers to a lovely white bone on SO many things...SO much to tell!
But not quite yet, Kiddliwinks...I am going to do somethin I have NEVER done in here before...and I'll tell you...I am doin this and expect for a barrage of the brand "HYPOCRITE!" may be screamed at me...But I have thrown caution to the wind as of late, along with my clothes, as I have spent a small fortune on F/X, wigs, Make-Up, and Costume clothing to take my life to a higher level of fun, and start REALLY makin some jaws drop in TAA, as in light of recent going-ons around this place, needless to say, Had those censors seen MY sets? OH! Man...I wouldn't have a club in here anymore! So...what do we decide to do? Make em bigger, better, and badder! So watch for sets that just may hurt your eyes, Good thing they will be seen by the select few! I wouldn't have it ANY other way! I have taken this new attitude with me to work, and Lemme tell you...Being sexier whilst screening Horror makes you even MORE $$$! (Whoda thought?

Thats right...THIS is what I fear will bring insults about my hypocrisy and the whole thing about people who post pics of 'notable' folk to gain attention...Well, I have lived many lives, and with every life, there comes stories that are furnished with memories that serve to remind us of something or other...I recently needed to be reminded just what an amazing life I have led, considering the sad state that I usually tend to think more prevelent, and therefore, not always the most positive gal in the world here (THATS an understatement....) Well..I met a very interesting member here lately, and I really hope to meet him some day...and I am glad I was able to make his acquaintence, because he reminded me of some of the best times of my life...His name is Powermann, and he is The World's Largest Contortionist (Go on...that's right...Go and check him out!) He is one of the newest attractions along with a group of folks I have known and called family since 1991...These folks are called The Jim Rose Circus Sideshow.
Now, This story goes a LONG time back...but runs twice as deep...I have ALWAYS been an avid 'Sideshow' fan...when I was finally able to buy the infamous film by Tod Browning made in 1932 called "FREAKS" I thought I was opening up a part of history that was a bygone art...But, as some of us know...EVERYTHING happens for a Reason...and The timing must have been right, Cause Boy, was I EVER supposed to meet them...Almost even got as far as having an incredibly memorable Reltionship with one, and Found a bro in another member...and to this day, I still call them family...
I found some pictures...Thought some of you may find them interesting...They belong to a much larger collection of over a decade of fun with touring around this continent with them and other notable people whom I am proud to call friend, (But won't name in here) These pictures have followed me everywhere, people have stolen some, others were stolen and put in Tattoo SAVAGE withOUT my permission a few times...The point is...They got away, But these and a few others did not...and I wanted to share them with you guys...Thought you may find them, and the content interesting...
So...Here goes.

THIS...is Joe, A.K.A The Amazing Mr.Lifto, My Ex. This was taken on the tour bus during the 1994 NIN/Jim Rose/MarilynManson tour...We had ALOT of fun on THAT one...(OH the stories!)

THIS one is one of the 'nice' pics that we had taken together (By 'nice' I mean ones where I am not going to offend his wife, or anything with...Why? Cause I am a Good Girl!)
If you look REALLY hard...(Sorry about the scan quality! These were all taken with film...remember that?) You can see my Madison on my neck...Yup...My neck piercing I was recently shocked to be able to still put a barbell in, This is in 93! I had already had it for a year or so in that pic...and even though I took it out a decade ago...left it to close up...It did not. This is one of my favorites...I remember I put dreads in that week 3 days later! Kept those for 6, almost 7 years...(You have prolly seen THAT pic already...)
And Finally? My Bro and his wonderful Mate, Slug, A.K.A The Enigma, and his wife Kat, as in Katzen, before she got ALL her final Bod-Mods...Don't they make THEE perfect picture of Happiness? I have quite a few pics of Slug and Katz...From many different periods...(Even pics of when Slug was pink!)

...This is one of my very Favorites. I have always loved the idea of the union they have created, and how they exist as a couple...They truly are one of the most awe-inspiring couples I know...(And thier kids are GORGEOUS!)
Well...There are also so very many stories to go with each picture, But I am going to keep those to myself...TRUST ME...Doing THIS? Hah! I Really had to push myself...Like I said...I normally would NOT be even mentioning it...But I figured it's Hallowe'en, and I have not a pic to show you all as of yet...('YET' being the important word here) and I also wanted to bring another facet of my life amongst those whom everyday is treated as Hallowe'en with...Not just The Horror Community, But just another part of what has made me what I am.
I still talk to them when I get to...I also get e-mails from time to time, and now that I have met and had some great talks with Powermann, It hit me that I really have so many memories that have made me what I am today....Things we often forget about when in the depths of mild depression...It happens. But somehow, with someone, somewhere...you are reminded of just how good you have had it, and that there is no reason for it to ever end, and only get better...
So, to all of you that are putting on masks and costumes this Hallowe'en...I hope the next day, pulling it off isn't something that puts you into shock...You would be surprised how many masks people wear...Unfortunately, they never get taken off either...Out of some fear. I keep having to remember that around people...I suppose you hang around with people wearing masks for too long, you tend to just accept it.
For me? It just reminds me that spending everyday like Hallowe'en was and always will be my Lifestyle...(Can you all hear Al Jourgensen singing from"Everyday is Halloween" off of 'With Sympathy"? Back from when he had that English accent and whined about why he is treated so bad for being different to synth pop) I suppose we all do in a way (Or HAVE, and got kidnapped and Brainwashed and now you hang with the Krishna people) It ceratainly has no answer...So is it A Phenomenon?
Questions to Answers to Questions we don't yet know...
I'll be stopping by with my usual Hallowe'en Greeting Gifs to spook your Madpads out with...I always enjoy doing that!
And, Hopefully, in Addition to the set pics, I am hoping to get some pics for My new website that I am putting together with 3 very fine boys...Aversin,apydiagirlsand antenna...We are working on things that shall not be named...But I will tell you that I will be becomming alot more savy with these computer deals...and all things tech that goes with, Hopefully even have live Podcasts of Horror Fliks and me doing my thing...
Cause we ALL have our 'Thing' now, Don't We?

Oh yeah....Almost Forgot...

hehe...Didn't think I was going to not have THAT!

BTW: pAuly , One of my fiends in here that I DO NOT see or hear enough from...(Get THAT one Doll?

"Do not judge a man by what he is doing, But by what he accomplished..."
--Vincent Price.
Cheers Vincent...You know you did and more.

FUCK!....20 things that I haven't shared with anyone here yet?
Okay...Since I broke my rule about posting shit about 'notable' folks and who I know and call fiend, I shall just let some shit out here.
1. I did 6 hits of white blotter with Marilyn Manson and Twiggy way back in 94, and ended up helping with Twiggy's dreads, cause he liked mine soooo much....He made the decision to put them in.(I also figured you would of not been surprised, given the above info...I just didn't talk about any other shows...I stuck within my barrier!)
2. I have died quite a few times, (Overdoses from Junk, But I am in my 7th year of nothing except pot and prescriptions!)
3. I am planning on crossing the Atlantic to pursue pursuits, see people in the flesh, and see my ancestorial castle that was built by The Templars, my bloodline.
4. I am really actually rather self-conscious, I was the ugliest girl around in my difficult years...Until I made that deal...

5. I am really, REALLY excited about the new website of ours, and you NEED to go! www.theabominableapothecary.com
6.I had the pleasure of throwing coldcuts at Liam Gallaghers head while the rest of the backstage laughed at him, and he tried to start a fight over it with my boyfriend at the time(see above) It always makes me smile whenever I see that snotty fuck on TV!
7. I was the first one to perform a live piercing on CBC (like BBC) Canada's station, and they STILL use it for footage.
8. I have not had any sex of any sort, of anything for almost over a year now! (My choice, I am REALLY picky!)
9.I have never slept with a rockstar, even when pursued, asked, or even picked up and carried....I have never done it. And the funny thing is? They REALLY respected me in the morning! (Cause we would always find other fun things to do, and I am always treated well.)
10. (MAN! Only halfway there?) Um....I used to be such a fuckin Goth queen when I was 14 or so, and I honestly believed at the time that There was nothing but BAUHAUS and Black.(But I never dyed my hair Black)
11. I never dyed my hair because Redheads have such strong and small pores in our hair , It is REALLY hard to dye, It took MAJOR work just to get my streak.
12.My greatest fear has happened: My Mother died a young and painful death. THAT was always my very worst fear.
13. I used to have to be tied to my bed as a child, as I would wander the house, and end up just standing vy my mother or father while they slept , talking strange stuff, and in a strange trancelike state. So, I was always binded to my bed at night.
14. I have had to have the poison (The same they use in poison darts) Cararee used when I was operated on, as the procedure needed me to have no movement of anything while they removed a Gallbladder filled with highly toxic liquid, Septic, is what is called....If it would have burst, I would of been dead. It burst as it fell into the disposal bowl over me...I had to be given the antidote for Cararee. I was paralyzed by it for 5 hours...
15. I am a loner...and actually am not very good with people when it comes to getting close to them.
16. I was very close to deciding to do SG recently, But again, despite an invite, I decided against it, and am keeping the sets where they belong (and where they won't be censored!!)
17. I used to be quite the Dramaqueen, I have been the lead in many plays, including musicals, where I also played leads.
18. I have read the Thoth Tarot deck since I was 13 now...It's based on many beliefs, and It is considered to be one of the hardest, yet most intricate deck to read. Designed by Crowley, and is Egyptian in its Magickal origin...I never allow a client to pay me cash, and I have, and never will ever be able to divine for myself. My card is Lust.
19. I am determined to leave a mark when I go.
20. I am beginning to like playing Tag...especially with the right people...

People I TAGGED:apydiagirls,antenna,Aversin,Zaya,and mattthegoon
THERE!! I am SO done with this Update!!!

any how i leave for down under in like a day and 1/2 when i get back{dec} i would like to come to van-city with in a month or two to do some stand up and see the city i was born in
if your offer still stands i will take you up on your hospitality and i will tell you my resent JRC stories and you tell me all the ones from before i got drafted
all the best