So if I haven't told ya'll I fucking hate my job but at the same time I love job? The reason why I hate my job is cause I deal with every fucking tweaker in the valley that has Meth-induced Psychosis I swear and if I could explain I would but these people fucking drive me insane cause they are totally unaware of what they are doing and it's creepy. Now why in the fuck would you do a drug that eventually make's you Suicidal / Homicidal? I can't figure it out for the life of me?

well, you told us why you hate the job.. but why do you love it? especially when you have to deal with all that?
i've been thinking of doing a series on mentally insane persons.. but i'm not sure where to start. i would feel safe because of where i want to shoot them but i'm not sure about how to go about getting clearance to do so.
talk to you more later.