Had a rehearsal last night for BloodFest happening in the fall. I'm going to be playing a tranimal. Pretty excited about it to brush up on my acting and play something grotesque yet completely awesome. If this goes well... I may be performing a lot more in the fetish world.
Holiday weekend... meh. I just want to relax and sleep. Tried to hit up the casino last night and it was SO PACKED!!! It was like "if you see any machine, grab it!" So we stayed and played 1 machine and then took off. How are you supposed to win if you can't 'feel' a machine. Fuck that. I was like we are just going to donate all of the extra money we have, let's just spend it another day. So everyone wants to go out in the Phoenix sun and go tubing this weekend. Again, just another over crowded activity :/
Even though I am a lot more social then I used to be, it's not like I crave to submerse myself in herds of dumb ass people. Think I'll just chill at home..
So when I went to rehearsal last night, I asked my brother to watch my daughter, and paid him $20. One of the guys at rehearsal had a sweet pic of my boyfriend and myself... so I posted it on FaceBook today. My mom comments and says " I thought your brother was watching your daughter so you could go to a meeting..." ha ha ugh... sometimes I wish people could find a fuckin hobby. I paid my brother and I picked up my child at Like 1 am so she wasn't over night. I told my mom "um this pic was from last month, notice I wasn't wearing those clothes last night." I just think it sucks when you are a 25 year old grown ass woman, that your judgemental mother wants to publicly question your integrity on FaceBook :/
Good thing is!... I moved out of their house a little over a week ago. :} No more forced church yay!
Yep, so since I'm a woman, I am allowed a bitch blog every once in a while and this ones mine. I will definitely post pictures of the tranimal skit so no worries on that...
Holiday weekend... meh. I just want to relax and sleep. Tried to hit up the casino last night and it was SO PACKED!!! It was like "if you see any machine, grab it!" So we stayed and played 1 machine and then took off. How are you supposed to win if you can't 'feel' a machine. Fuck that. I was like we are just going to donate all of the extra money we have, let's just spend it another day. So everyone wants to go out in the Phoenix sun and go tubing this weekend. Again, just another over crowded activity :/
Even though I am a lot more social then I used to be, it's not like I crave to submerse myself in herds of dumb ass people. Think I'll just chill at home..
So when I went to rehearsal last night, I asked my brother to watch my daughter, and paid him $20. One of the guys at rehearsal had a sweet pic of my boyfriend and myself... so I posted it on FaceBook today. My mom comments and says " I thought your brother was watching your daughter so you could go to a meeting..." ha ha ugh... sometimes I wish people could find a fuckin hobby. I paid my brother and I picked up my child at Like 1 am so she wasn't over night. I told my mom "um this pic was from last month, notice I wasn't wearing those clothes last night." I just think it sucks when you are a 25 year old grown ass woman, that your judgemental mother wants to publicly question your integrity on FaceBook :/
Good thing is!... I moved out of their house a little over a week ago. :} No more forced church yay!
Yep, so since I'm a woman, I am allowed a bitch blog every once in a while and this ones mine. I will definitely post pictures of the tranimal skit so no worries on that...
Good look on the Festival! I hope it is fun and goes well Family drama: the universal constant.