Some people think they know fucked up bands... Like Marilyn Manson is "hard core" GG Allin seriously has some fucked up shit... When you're feeling like you have no filter on your mood, check some of it out. Here's some lyrics from one of his lighter songs ;}
"Blood For You"
I'm so great, so everybody see
Everyone of you should be looking up at me
I'm your god, the one you'll never be
I'm the best, so you better kiss my feet
I'm God to everyone of you
Jesus Christ who died in pain for you
I'm life, I'm death, I'm the blood for you
It's not easy being #1 in the world
I'm a gift for the women and all of the little girls
If your lucky enough to touch me, some day you'll see
I'm superior to you and every human being
I'm God to everyone of you
Jesus Christ, died in pain for you
I'm life, I'm death, I'm the blood for you
I get high on myself, so get high on me
Worship me, when you're down on your knees
Think of me, me in all of your wettest dreams
'Cause I'm the ruler, I'm the king, I'm the super sonic machine
I'm God to everyone of you
Jesus Christ who died in pain for you
I'm life, I'm death, I'm the blood for you
I'm God to everyone of you
Jesus Christ who died in pain for you
I'm life, I'm death, I'm the blood for you
I'm God to everyone of you
Jesus Christ who died in pain for you
I'm life, I'm death, I'm the blood for you

Changed my name too
Gori'ella now
You can still refer to me as Ruby though for all my friends.
Anything fun happening? Besides what's under my shorts

I thought Star Trek was pretty damn good.