Just showing off my pink and black nails... No nudes today... Just being me. Got a new hair cut but I don't want to post it on here since it's recently become popular :/ trends man, they ruin everything.
So there's this "Hopeful" that's on the site here and has beautiful pictures... But every post or announcement she writes, she is Bitching about something!!!! I almost want to "unfriend" her just so I don't have to see it anymore... But then I remember that her pictures are nice. Not amazing... just nice.
Does that effect anyone's vote on here? If they are beautiful pictures but you know the person behind the still is a raisin...?
Ah well... Just worried about this future pink queen right here! Couple more months and I should be set up to click click post... My First "Hopeful" Set. In the meantime here's a nice thought pretty soon...
Heading up to my old town this weekend... Going to have a blast seeing my friends and such!
I can't wait to see your set...I know the kind heart behind it.