The dreams are back! Ok so I like zombie stuff, its fun its crazy... I mean check out this precautionary house!!!
a little extreme sure but fun none the less. A couple months ago I had like 3 zombie dreams in a few months time. Totally vivid in depth dreams. Dreams where I literally went out and bought a few Rambo knives since I'm too broke to invest in shot guns at this time. The dreams stopped for a while, until last night. I had another... I love the whole adventure fight for your life and protect your loved ones when it comes to dreams but I just woke up and thought.. It must be October... The zombies are in my head again >;}

The dreams are back! Ok so I like zombie stuff, its fun its crazy... I mean check out this precautionary house!!!

a little extreme sure but fun none the less. A couple months ago I had like 3 zombie dreams in a few months time. Totally vivid in depth dreams. Dreams where I literally went out and bought a few Rambo knives since I'm too broke to invest in shot guns at this time. The dreams stopped for a while, until last night. I had another... I love the whole adventure fight for your life and protect your loved ones when it comes to dreams but I just woke up and thought.. It must be October... The zombies are in my head again >;}

thank you for such kind words. Go on now, be Pink. You seem to be nice but also you are lovely to look at. I know that doesn't count for much...but on this end it does 

We have to read a contemporary play a week, we just read bonded. We also have to write a 10 minute play ourselves for the theater class I am in, which I'm currently completing