yoyoyoyo sup yall nothing much is going except im trying to find an experianced bassist with own gear well peace
you can play my bass anyday baby!! Wait... that doesn't make sense confused
i tried leaving you an e-mail, but it bounced back. i have free time now, so whenever you want to practice, let me know. and if you need a place to stay sometime, i can make some room.
yoyoyo what it is? the dropkick show was off the hizzie and im injuried from it my knee got F'ed up and things are going my way which is weird aiight peace'
theone and only,
Gorgeous kiss
Hope you're knee is ok. Have a good day love biggrin
Wuz up thing only thing i have goin on right now is the DropKi Murphy's show tonight aiight my babies peace,

the one and only,
Gorgeous kiss
thank you so much for what u said in my journal smile
Yo whats up my babies i got my guitar back today and im ripping shit up thank god cuz ive been so bored without it aiight peace,

the one and only'
Gorgeous kiss
know what you mean, can't live without mine, though i don't play it very well
sorry, i'm retarded when it comes to finding things while driving. i thought you said turn left onto brookside, then i had to turn around and when i got back to march, the streetsign said 3300 or something like that, so i think i was supposed to turn right. i also didn't know that going straight wasn't brookside anymore. at least i never get lost when i'm driving, then i'd be fucked.
yo my babies today was hella blah cuz i took my guitar in to be fixed but the asshole never came in to work on it so now i gots to wait but imy band practiced from like 5 to 9:30 which is good well my babies gotta fly,

the one and only,
Gorgeous kiss
Dawn of the Dead is a brilliant movie.... mmmmmmmm zombies!
i luv u too kiss let's get nakie sometime wink
what up yall y for school then to be at work at 9:30 crazy i kno but ya gotta do what ya gotta i guess im so tired from working this weekend on that ranch then going to my real job right after so its safe to say that i might die today lol nah probaly not but on the lighter side im gonna see...
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Hope you have a good day gorgeous kiss
Dropkick Murpheys? Fun!
aiight yo's today i worked on my grandparents ranch planting trees and now im burnt as fuck mad but on the lighter side Mistakesmade is the new edition to my friends list thanks sweet heart smile gotta fly

the one and only,
i hate ranches so much. just a bunch of stupid cows and horses. stupid animals. i grew up surrouned on three sides by cow pastures. stupid cows.

p.s.: cows are stupid
no theyre not!
hey all you people who love to bless me with there eyes today i have decided to branch out and try to make some friends so i have something to do on the week end or just to talk so far i would love to thank Marsieparshie, the lovely good looking Pineapple, and the beautiful and exotic India. Much love to all of yous aiight...
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Wow, look. You friend search is working. wink

80's pop. Mmmmm!
yo my peeps whud up doe? looks like things are finally working out for once i cant wait for summer cuz its gonna be a blast nothing but concerts and relaxing which i havent been able to do aiight my babies peace

the one and only
Gorgeous kiss
yo my babies today i start my new band with some friends of mine and we are gonna kick ass we are are gonna be metal which makes no sense scince you cant get a show in stockton if your metal oh well i dont care cuz i love playing metal i think im gonna go for the "as i lie dying" sound which is...
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i need more friends will anyone out help me blush