Merry Christmas all you peoples out there!!!
And it snowed all day so it turned out to be a white Christmas after all. First I've had in years!!

And it snowed all day so it turned out to be a white Christmas after all. First I've had in years!!

Hey, atleast you HAVE moments when you are out with your friends doing something crazy or silly. My life consists of, living alone in a basement at my shop, then going home to my lonely, quiet apartment and watching TV on DVD until 2 a.m. before falling asleep.
I did shave all my hair off- that's why it's short
The shop? We're selling it. Yes sir-- I love it to bits and it's sustaining itself, but I HATE (like literally, hate/loathe/despise) being in Banff and I'd like to rid myself of this commitment so I can pack up and move to Vancouver. So we'll see how it goes.
SHOWS LATELY! Well, not lately, but within the past few months I've been to a couple of good ones. I really do wanna post pics with me and my rockstar lovers, and I'm working on it. haha.
I will have fun in Mexico------ too much of it if you ask me. GAAAHAHHHHHHH.
U need an update soon