So we had some craziness at work last night. One of the ladies in the Deli has a psycho loser exhusband. He calls everyday she works like 6 or 8 times. Well last night he showed up at work when she was getting off, stole her truck, and tried to run her down with it, her own truck!!
Then when he missed he sped off up the road. The cops were called and came down to the store. Then get this, he came back to try again, since he knew she couldn't leave since he had her truck. The cops arrested him on the spot. All face down on the ground hands cuffed behind back style. What a douche. My eternal confusion
is how women find and get involved with idiots like this. Somewhere along the line I think the gene that allows you to distinguish between a good guy and a moron became bred out.
Anyways, she's ok and he's in jail. Was a pretty wacky night though I must say.