About halfway thru with this assignment, amd it looks like we'll be here the full 2 weeks, unless we get sucked into the big fire outside Prescott. Otherwise, things are slow, not much flying. On a nice note, I had some people at the restaurant I went to dinner for buy me dinner for being what I am. It was very nice of them, it's always interesting to me tho. Granted while yes, I am a fire fighter, I'm a wildland firefighter, amd we're usually forgotten about unless there's smoke in the air, then we get the super hero treatment all over the place. Of course I'm not complaining, one of the favorite parts of my job is seeing the signs that people make tanking us, especially the ones that kids in school make as a form of thanks for being out there. Those are the best, I remember one from a few years ago in Boulder CO, that really touched my heart. That same fire, the community donated lots of goods for the fire fighters, including toothbrushes, and other toiletry items. Anyway, that's all I got, gonna try and post sme pictures when I get home.
Glad you are still being safe.