So got the call about a month ago, saying that I am going to montana. Well I actually ended up in Powell, Idaho, if anyone else knows where that is, I'll give you a dollar. It was nice there, and got a R&R day in Missoula, that was nice as well. Needless to say, the one random day I decided to check my phone messages,...
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Been in Powell Idaho for about a week now on fire severity. If anyone out there knows (without looking it up online) where Powell ID is, I'll give you a dollar. Kind of a nice part of the job, and reminds me why I do this. The downside is that I don't really have a choice in where and when I go, I get the...
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Work has been monotonous.

Today we had a single snag fire that i was able to finish my training as an incident commander on. Good stuff. The hike in, long, steep, rattle snakes. Nothing flat. The hike out, not as long, steep, 75% uphill the way.

While on that fire, got word, via radio, that we are to head out for Idaho/ Montana in the...
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been a while, so i'd better fill in/bitch and complain.

First monsoon season is here so my swamp cooler barely works. that also means that i'm out of fire season and into project season. which is nice, i have been given an oppertunitly to show my skills, by being named the project lead on the thinning project that we are working on.

next, took my...
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Can't believe its almost here, but after the length of time I've taken on it, seems more late comming than anything. I'm talking about finishing up my pilots license, I just have a hand ful of lessons left before my official check ride, which I hope to pass on the first go around and get that golden (although i think its actually pink) ticket. i'll...
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Woot! smile
Fire danger in Arizona is high, the Wallow fire is more than 200k and in the same area as the Rodeo-Chediski fire from 2003. There are also 2 other fires in southern AZ, one of which I was just on as of a few days ago until my engine got pulled back to our home district with the threat of dry lightning which didn't develop....
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I bet, hon. We've had nothing but grey skies with ash falling all around for days and days up until about yesterday...I can only try to imagine what you've been through.
thanks for the help its good to know you guys are still fighting this bitch of a fire
Just got home last night from a fire down south. Did my time today, looking at 90.5 hours overtime, plus various hours of hazard pay, Which means I'm only about 100 hours short of the overtime from last year. In other things, one of the guys was able to get his parents to look after my dog while I was gone, and now, I am...
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Glad you got home safe.
Its been a while, but I've been busy with work as I may have said in the last few. Of course this is the time of year that I am married to my job and theres not really any lee way from it. I even got a phone call from the batt chief on one of my days off asking why I wasn't at work...
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Had a fire on Zombie Jesus day, it was exactly where this scene was shot for the movie, afterwards some of us did some re-enacting.

Tombstone- The Reckoning
I was taking a look at your profile and noticed you are fro Texas too. I was born and raised in tx... I miss it a lot. Tucson is too slow and boring for me. Most of the people are the same here. Never wanna do anything. I like to have get-togethers and grill steak and burgers.... People out here just like to stay at home. borrrinnng!
I hope you get to sleep for a couple days when you do.