I'm in a conumdrum, and thus I turn to the wonder world of SG friends to hopefully help me out. As a christmas gift for myself, i bought myself a pair of cufflinks, theyre square with a black background and a silver playboy bunny head inlaid. My problem is that I don't have a french cuff shirt, which is an easy fix to just go...
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a dark grey would be awesome
I prefer red. Why not a little color? And I am no prude you know that.
Love Poly
So its only 6 minutes into the new year, and as I'm hearing the neighboring fireworks go off around me, I contemplate the new year ahead.

first I guess are the typical resolutions, but personally I don't like that word, because no one really carries out their resolution in the long term. Instead, I think I like goals, because goals, are measureable, goals can have...
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happy new year
I guess I'll throw out some updates and observations considering I haven't in a while.

First and most awesome, is that I finished working on and earned my pilot's licesnce. so that means I can take people for airplane rides, and that illusive $100 Hamburger.

Also, I have been working out at the gym more...well honestly not as much this week and last, but I've...
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Yay for the pilot's license!
yay for flying

So the show American Horror Story is awesome, its the sexyness of Nip/Tuck, but with kind of a horror story type twist. I love it, my new fave show, along with How I met your mother and Pan-Am. This particular song was in the last episode as well as a fave movie, The Aviator.

Anyway, I heard on the news today that the airlines are...
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Well the turkey was good, but the Ags couldn't pull off the game the last seconds or the second half for that matter. But hey, its nice that the higher ups don't care about a 118 year old rivalry, the third oldest n the nation. Course Mack Brown the Texas coach took a $300 million buyout so he can have his own tv channel. Maybe...
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New garden update, thanks to the new humming bird feeder, the one hummer that comes to the feeder actually hangs out for a bit, hopefully he'll go and tell his friends about this good nectre. Also spotted a few bees buzzing around as well. Otherwise the onions are starting to pop up, and some wildflowers that I seeded are sprouting too. Today, I just planted...
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cool ... what sort of solar system is it --- we don't have one... but I want to try to install some solar power system and also a rain collecting system ... pouring rain right now but I want to be able to capture it to supplement our vegetable garden watering
Made it back to Arizona after an uneventful fire assignment and a frustrating travel back. We only had 2 fires the entire time we were out there for about 4 hours of actual fire fighting, if that. Thus the rest of the time was sitting at the station followed by going back to the hotel and sitting there until i fell asleep. The drive back...
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Got back from Idaho a few weeks ago, found my broken home, wasn't as bad as I thought. But still invasion of privacy and the taking of my stuff, even tho its only physical things. Got new TVs, a reluctant new laptop, I wasn't but I kinda tested my net book's strength with my fire truck, but thats another story.

Anyway, the day that would...
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