So today at work. First I go for a run, which was nice, I needed that, I actually find peace in a good run. Then, it was downtown-ish to the interagency fire office for the annual incident commander meeting. This lasted all day long.
Mostly doom and gloom. One of the big topics was the seasonal hiring, by mandate of way above us, like the...
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I think the main problem isn't the mandate to hire more women, the problem is the shitty pay...
and the back breaking work, they do a great job of recruiting and outreaching, but when these new people see what its really like, they realize they can get a easier job for more pay. Plus its the fed govt, thus the low pay.
watch out, two blogs one night, and this is what happens when I drink Texas beer, I revert back to days of my past growing up.

...I need to go dancing
love that first flower
its a sad night for cable tv when the only interesting thing is porn, granted while porn is always interesting, one cannot watch it 24/7 other wise you start watching weird shit like my boss
Ha this needs a like button
A few things, first finally over the case of bronchitis that I'm blaming on work. On a good point to it, I hardly ate as I was sick and so I think I might have lost a few pounds. Otherwise, the garden is comming back to life, the grape vines are leafing out, so i'll hopefully be making wine at the end of the season....
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the sick diet always works, lol
So I'm trying to go to bed, and I have "through the wormhole" on, and they're talking about what if we as humans are merely a simulation run by a super computer. That got me thinking, maybe Adams was right, maybe we are a simulation super computer...which then means that the answer is 42.

Also, went to the renn-fest this last weekend, a particular highlight...
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woot woot for getting bought
So apparently, I'm fat according to co-workers, I guess since I don't look like a spartan then I guess I am a fatty, but then no one else looks like that either, so whatever. Otherwise, work has been going good. Definitely out of shape from running a chainsaw, but the working out during the winter has helped, I get tired but not in my arms...
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Hell, the Spartans don't even look like that. Esp if your referring to the tv show. They airbrush and even put on silicone 6 packs. So...yeah. lol
word remi
Well almost thru my first week back to work. The first day was spent doing stuff around the station since I was the only one there, the guys were out on a fire. The last few days have been spent marking trees for a thinning project that we're working on on the district. As much as I like marking the trees, I would actually rather...
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pretty snow
painting it like a beer would be sweet
So I gave in and got an ipad yesterday, to use mostly for flying and fllight planning. I was gonna get the one with 3G, but they were running a special that if I got the regular wifi one with a mobile hotspot I could get the hotspot for $50 and $100 off the price of the ipad, and with my house internet only working...
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Sounds like everything is going good. I need an ipad.
i read your last letter, need to catch up and send my reply back smile
i got an ipad for my mom on may last year, she loves it.... wish i had more money to spend in one for me, but i think i give a better use to my comp.

happy to read here your learning to fly is going great smile i love breakfast food, is the best imo, but then again maybe my eating is not as good as it should!
xoxo kiss
After another instance at an all pilot's meeting with a group I'm involved with, I hope to god that if I ever become a flight instructor I'm not like the last few encounters like the ones that have been at these meetings and have egos the size of a 747, and think that their opinion is the "word of god" regaurdless of wether or not...
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Jim Parsons, the actor who plays Sheldon, is from TX lol.
For being on my winter break from work, I think I'm busier than when I am working. This last week I spent the week cleaning and picking up the house for a house party of 4 people total (including me). The marathons of hoarders on A&E kinda urged me on to the cleaning. Anyway, this week is lining up to be busy as well, today...
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Make sure you limit your coffee intake sweetie that will help bunches. I have been advised that for every cup I drink I should follow it by 16 oz of water.
airports have some of the best eats, um well small airports