Our president speaks!
I have NPR on in the back ground, but I am not listening. Frankly, I am more likely to listen to the inarticulate Pentacostal that shouts about hell fire and damnation during the lunch hour on busy pedestrian malls.
Why would I want to listen to speech that was consciously constructed to to offer 7 second sound-bytes for constant reproduction over the next week? Perhaps the editors of Fox News will re-order the whole thing so it at least sounds comprehensible and well meant.
Our government dropped the ball. I hope this scares the shit out of all of us.
Our government is undependable. I hope everyone realizes this.
If the Big One hit California tomorrow, would we have a nation the next day?
If the expendable supernumeraries known as the citizens of New Orleans had this little success in getting help, imagine a population of immigrants.
I have to go eat, now.
Arm your family, and hope that you don't have to an endure a crisis that governments were created to prevent in the first place.
I have NPR on in the back ground, but I am not listening. Frankly, I am more likely to listen to the inarticulate Pentacostal that shouts about hell fire and damnation during the lunch hour on busy pedestrian malls.
Why would I want to listen to speech that was consciously constructed to to offer 7 second sound-bytes for constant reproduction over the next week? Perhaps the editors of Fox News will re-order the whole thing so it at least sounds comprehensible and well meant.
Our government dropped the ball. I hope this scares the shit out of all of us.
Our government is undependable. I hope everyone realizes this.
If the Big One hit California tomorrow, would we have a nation the next day?
If the expendable supernumeraries known as the citizens of New Orleans had this little success in getting help, imagine a population of immigrants.
I have to go eat, now.
Arm your family, and hope that you don't have to an endure a crisis that governments were created to prevent in the first place.
And yes, our government is faulty and oftentimes, I wonder if we would be better off in the hands of a group of apes.