I put the firm on notice today. In exactly two weeks I will be free from para-legality. I think I might take myself of the legal peoples page right now.
I am unburdened by the soul-crushing monotony of "prepare for attorney review (.5)."
The only draw-back is that I will soon be waiting tables again. I vowed that I would never do it, but it is preferable to both lawyers and unemployment.
I have begun the application process for admission into a graduate program this spring. While it is by no means my dream school -- my dream schools don't have admissions for spring semesters -- it is a school, and a new beginning.
Victory will be ours!
I will now go beg for letters of recommendation. (if I can spell right enough I might get one.)
I put the firm on notice today. In exactly two weeks I will be free from para-legality. I think I might take myself of the legal peoples page right now.
I am unburdened by the soul-crushing monotony of "prepare for attorney review (.5)."
The only draw-back is that I will soon be waiting tables again. I vowed that I would never do it, but it is preferable to both lawyers and unemployment.
I have begun the application process for admission into a graduate program this spring. While it is by no means my dream school -- my dream schools don't have admissions for spring semesters -- it is a school, and a new beginning.
Victory will be ours!
I will now go beg for letters of recommendation. (if I can spell right enough I might get one.)
good jorb, Gorb.