
They let me in. I am on my way to being the master of my domain!

Now, two years of crap classes and schools of thought I could care less about.
Congratulations!!!! I'm currently working on my Masters in Soc. and am hopefully applying to PhD programs in about a year. Good luck!
Congrats! and uh... yay crap classes?
Ah grad school, definitely putting that off a few years...
When will the sociology department let me know if I have been accepted into their miserable masters program?

Will I ever get to bowl on a league again?

Does having a car payment make me bourgeois?

How can I make my wife happier (without doing the cleaning I know I should)?

Will I ever do anything but wait tables?

How can I incorporate chromaticism into...
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I am trying to complete my letter of intent for graduate application at our local M.A. mill. In the process, I decided to look up some of the professors to see who might have interests in my area of study. Exactly one interested me (marginally).

Not looking good.

I am continually disappointed by what passes for academia. So many students are students for the advancement...
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Are you talking about graduate programs in Colorado? I'll be applying at Denver for the Fall of 2006 in either the Masters of Humanities or Social Sciences program. Have you heard anything about these programs?

Are you familiar with the New School in NY? If not, you should check it out.
I'll be applying at UC Denver.
Our president speaks!

I have NPR on in the back ground, but I am not listening. Frankly, I am more likely to listen to the inarticulate Pentacostal that shouts about hell fire and damnation during the lunch hour on busy pedestrian malls.

Why would I want to listen to speech that was consciously constructed to to offer 7 second sound-bytes for constant reproduction over the...
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"come the revolution, shit will not happen again."

Yes, I have to be an upstanding citizen because us SG's are the role models for everyone else on the site, um, I guess...

And yes, our government is faulty and oftentimes, I wonder if we would be better off in the hands of a group of apes.
I went to our local porn monger today. Very disappoining.

SG has made it so that I don't even know what kind of porn I like anymore. I want to see women so real they appear exotic. Hardcore doesn't do what it used to.

Nothing more to say. I want to go to the bar, but the bar is too far.

I am no longer a paralegal. I no longer have to make multiple needless revisions of a document that I drafted perfectly well in the first place.

Death to the legal profession as it stands!
The juridical mind is a small mind.

"How are you this evening; may I take your order?" is my cry of freedom now -- for better or worse.

I would...
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What a week.

One of better friends was sent to the looney bin this weekend -- an indivdual with whom my academic fate lies (at least in part).

I had to go to the doctor for an unexplained infection in my eye lid (not-conjunctivitis), and am now on a course of antibiotics for ten days. Which would be fine except for the fact that vodka...
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I dunno man. I just want an excuse to tell someone, "you're as sweet as instant Putin."
cha-CHING wink


I put the firm on notice today. In exactly two weeks I will be free from para-legality. I think I might take myself of the legal peoples page right now.

I am unburdened by the soul-crushing monotony of "prepare for attorney review (.5)."

The only draw-back is that I will soon be waiting tables again. I vowed that I would never do it, but...
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I second that "WOO-HOO!"

good jorb, Gorb.
The woman who calls me her husband and I (my wife, but I don't like to sound possessive), had a good talk last night about our horrible distaste for our jobs. Neither one of us, we promised, would give notice until we lined up new jobs. Rational, I suppose, but I am wondering if the pressure of finding a job would make either one of...
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meta, pardon my lack of clarity. Where should one reply to a comment regarding a journal entry?

I am hesitant to reply in the commentator's journal because it would be out of context in their journal. I also think it might be odd to comment in one's own journal. It seems absurd to update every time I want to say something to someone about...
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if you think it's TOO out of context in someone else's journal, use the awesome quote boxes, but I think in general people don't give a flying fuck if something's out of context. but don't listen to me because I am a TOTAL BUNGHOLE.

just another bit of friendly advice from your favorite SG guru...