Is anyone else experiencing some weirdness with viewing sets today? Did SG change the way things work when you click thumbnails to view photos? I realized after accidentally closing a photo about a third through a set that when you click on the image where you left off, it just takes you to the very first photo in the set. I thought maybe my phone was being weird as it typically does, but I tested my theory on a few sets and found the same result; regardless of what thumbnail photo you click it opens the very first image in the set. At that rate, what is the point of even having thumbnails to begin with if it’s just going to force you to start the set all over again? SG? Halp?
Maybe clean the cash of your browser
Hmmm, whatever happened seems to have corrected itself. Weird. I was REALLY hoping that wasn’t gonna be a new thing for SG. Thanks goodness it isn’t haha Also, thanks for the reply @dariianity, I certainly appreciate it 😊❤️