I feel the need to talk about how kickass I am.
- I'll drink most of you under the table.
- I'll only fuck on the 1st date if your really, really hot.
- I know, (because god told me) that 16 oz. tallboys are a gift from god to us.
- I have two dogs that rock!! Top that you cat lovin mother fuckers!
- I dont think my cat runs the world.
- I dont think my dogs run the world either.
- I do think that the world revolves around me though.
- I have Marge Simpson house shoes.
- I smoke pot.
- I look just like my profile pic.
- And the most important....I just rock the house......
Just so you all know, I was very drunk when I wrote this. But I still kickass.
- I'll drink most of you under the table.
- I'll only fuck on the 1st date if your really, really hot.
- I know, (because god told me) that 16 oz. tallboys are a gift from god to us.
- I have two dogs that rock!! Top that you cat lovin mother fuckers!
- I dont think my cat runs the world.
- I dont think my dogs run the world either.
- I do think that the world revolves around me though.
- I have Marge Simpson house shoes.
- I smoke pot.
- I look just like my profile pic.
- And the most important....I just rock the house......
Just so you all know, I was very drunk when I wrote this. But I still kickass.


hehehe yeah, yeah! and I'll say..very impressed that you could type...me and my drunkness...woulda taken me an hour and a half to focus on the screen and type n' shit...but then...I don't rock the house like you